Author's articles

Retiree Medical Insurance is a Forgotten Cost
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
Planning for retirement is important in order for people to reduce or eliminate the burden they might have on their families, as a result of lost income. Unfortunately, many people do not plan for retirement. ...
Consider Insurance for Retirees Before Retiring Early
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
A major obstacle to early retirement is the fact that individual insurance plans cost more than group health plans, and many employers do not include insurance for retirees in their retirement plans. The options available ...
Power Meters Serve As Useful Measuring Tools
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
Getting to know just how much electricity certain items in a household are using up can be a very enlightening experience. One way to measure this is with a power meter. Where To Locate Power ...
Checking Lights And Outlets
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
Power meters are often used when people want to check to see if the electrical current is really getting to the places that it is supposed to be getting within the home. This generally relates ...
Analog Meters – Old Is Gold
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
There is no doubt that time has moved ahead and so has meter technology. But even then, there are few things which are handy, valuable and still in use. This example is best seen through ...
Oral Surgeons: Massachusetts
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
Oral surgery has progressed significantly in the past decade and some high demand procedures did not exist before the turn of the century. Massachusetts oral surgeons are well versed in the dental needs of the ...
Overview of Massachusetts Adult Care Physicians
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
Massachusetts adult care physicians take care of millions of patients every year. There are tens of thousands of these doctors spread out all over the large state. They focus on caring for adults, not children. ...
How Can a Pediatric Endocrinologist Help Your Child?
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
Although many children will never see a pediatric endocrinologist in their lifetime, many children are referred to them to diagnose and treat certain medical conditions. Endocrinology is a medical specialty field that focuses on diseases ...
Searching for an immunologist in Memphis?
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
Searching for an immunologist in Memphis? Not surprising, since pollen abounds in Memphis, particularly in the spring and fall, and creates havoc for allergy sufferers. Pollen is a yellow, powdery substance that is produced by ...
Physician Credentialing Is Vital to Hospital Operations
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
Physician credentialing is often one of the more onerous duties in hospital administration, but it is vital to the institution’s operations and business. The physician credentialing process ensures that health care providers are certified to ...
Why Use Leaded Eyewear?
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
Leaded eyewear is worn by medical professionals to reduce the risk of exposure to electromagnetic radiation in their work. Doctors, nurses and technologists who work around radiation require this protection as studies indicate that even ...
Basic facts about radiation glasses
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
There are those who recommend the use of special eyeglass lens materials to protect the eyes from the potential radiogenic formation of cataracts. These would be primarily recommended for those who perform a number of ...
Radiation Protection for Organs, Eyes and Skin
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
Radiation can be dangerous, even in low doses. In fact, it is a well-known cause of cancer and abnormal mutations in chromosomal patterns. With changes in the environment and an increase in the intensity and ...
Radiation Protection In Medical Imaging
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
The use of radiation in the field of medical imaging has increased dramatically over the years. It has a great number of benefits, allowing doctors to see inside of a human body without the need ...
A History of Breath Alcohol Analyzers
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
The first roadside breath alcohol testing instrument developed for the exclusive use of police was invented in 1938 by W.J. Harger. Cumbersome and unreliable, the "drunkometer" was replaced in 1954 when Dr. Robert Borkenstein, a ...
The Appeal of Owning a Hot Tub
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
Owning a hot tub offers people many benefits. Adding such a tub to one's home adds appeal and value to the home's setting and brings the admiration of friends and neighbors. It provides an ideal ...
Get Outside In The Winter With A Hot Tub
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
The winter can be very confining. It can keep people from getting out and enjoying the world. It can keep people in their homes for months at a time. While it is true that this ...
Hot Tubs-Party Fun And Much More
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
Many homeowners look forward to warmer weather months when they can entertain family and friends outdoors. Those who enjoy spending time on the patio or deck in the summertime can have even more fun with ...
Hot Tubs Then and Now - When and How
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
A heated tub is usually thought of as a luxury item that only wealthy people own. That may have been true at one time, but in contemporary homes, they are often found in ordinary living ...
Advantageous Aspects of a Student Loan
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
Going to college has its many benefits, but sometimes the process of paying for college seems too overwhelming. This keeps people from furthering their knowledge, which just shouldn’t be the case. There are several ways ...