Author's articles

How Recycling Programs Create Positive Economic Impact in Communities
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
More and more recycling bins are popping up on curbsides and in front of businesses on a constant basis. New programs are being implemented in towns and businesses across the country. Despite the stubbornness of ...
Creating An Eco-Friendly Office Culture
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
Sometimes the best way to boost an office’s productivity is take a look outside the box and focus on changes that can be made independent of business functions. For example, implementing initiatives to improve employee ...
Understanding Clinical Pathology
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
There are two major divisions of pathology, clinical and anatomical. Clinical pathology diagnoses, monitors and confirms disease processes through use of microscopic study of tissue specimens, secretions, cells, and body fluids such as blood and ...
Critical Care Specialists in Phoenix
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
Critical care medicine deals with the management of life-threatening injuries or illnesses. Patients who need intensive care may need various types of organ support systems in order to stay alive. When patients are in the ...
Connecticut Orthopedic Spine Surgeons
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
Connecticut orthopedic spine surgeons are experts about the human body. They perform surgery to people who suffer from chronic back pain and spine pain. Orthopedic doctors treat a variety of medical conditions and problems that ...
New York Critical Care Specialists Provide Expert Care
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
Critical care specialists in New York are board certified doctors who provide many different services to patients who are critically ill. Most of these specialists are cross-trained in the fields of internal medicine, nephrology and ...
Selecting The Right Chainsaw
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
Pulls The number of pulls required to start the saw is one important issue. Some brands start reliably on the first pull every time the saw is used. Others require five or six pulls to ...
A Background on Chainsaws
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
One-person chainsaws arrived in 1950; their basic design has changed little over the years, consisting of a cutting chain on a guide bar that is rotated by a power source. While gas-powered units are still ...
Treating Cardiovascular Disease
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
The cardiovascular system distributes nutrient-rich blood throughout the body, and consists of the heart and blood vessels. Through this process, life-sustaining oxygen is delivered to every cell. The cycle begins when oxygen-depleted blood is pumped ...
Reasons to See a Child Psychiatrist in Myrtle Beach
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
Mental problems run rampant all over the world. In some cases, these can be seen as early as childhood. If one is worried about their child and the child's behavior, it is a good idea ...
Adolescent Medicine: Helping Transition from Child to Adult
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
Most people are not aware of the adolescent medicine specialty. They do not think of switching from a pediatrician to a Chicago adolescent medicine specialist, although it is an option. One problem is that there ...
What Is An Examination Under Oath?
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
Court reporters cover many different types of proceedings. While most of them are parts of legal cases, there are other types of testimony where the parties involved need a clear, certified record of what was ...
Court Reporting Hiccups: Swearing in a Witness
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
One of the duties of a court reporter is putting a witness under oath, most often as a notary public. While this may sound simple, there are occasionally quirky things that happen that make it ...
Tips for Making CART Easier for the Court Reporter
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) reporters face many challenges in their attempts to serve the deaf and hearing impaired community. While it is not intentional, it is often misunderstood how difficult little things can make ...
How Does A Deposition Take Place?
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
There are three typical ways to hold depositions in a legal case. Depending on the physical location of the parties, their abilities to travel over short or long distances or the need for meeting face ...
How Nonprofits Become a Model of Christian Charity
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
Christian charity means giving without thought of return — at least in this world! Throughout the Bible, we are reminded of the importance of offering Christian charity by helping the needy. Jesus said: "Sell your ...
Sponsor a Child and Change a Life Forever
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
We can’t change the world. But we can change a tiny part of it. We can’t solve the problem of child poverty. But we can save one child and change a life forever. Step by ...
Children for Adoption - What’s the Difference Between Adopting a Child and Sponsoring a Child?
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
Kind-hearted people confronted with photographs of needy children in the world’s poorest countries sometimes ask, "Is adoption the answer?" Celebrities such as Angelina Jolie and Madonna have, after all, adopted several children from developing countries. ...
Pain Does Not Have to Limit Life Experiences
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
Pain can come in many forms and degrees of severity, but when it becomes chronic, or the overriding aspect of one’s life, the help of a specialist may be required. Pain specialists are doctors who ...
Nuclear Medicine Specialist in Arizona
By Jeremy Smith · 13 years ago
Nuclear medicine specialists in Arizona engage in a number of different medical areas of expertise. They handle all matters of nuclear medicine tests. They conduct and interpret the results of lung scans, bone scans, single ...