Author's articles

I Have Been Falsely Accused of Sexual Assault
By Jonathan A. Kessous, Esq. · 9 years ago
False accusations of sexual assault can haunt you for the rest of your life. Penalties for conviction vary wildly from case to case, as these charges can be extremely complex and difficult to work through. ...
Possession of Child Porn -- What Can Happen to Me?
By Jonathan A. Kessous, Esq. · 9 years ago
If you're convicted of possession of child pornography, you can face some of the harshest consequences in the nation. Penalties include a criminal record, jail time, fines, and listing on the sexual offender registry. You ...
When Child Sexual Assault Charges Are False
By Jonathan A. Kessous, Esq. · 9 years ago
Child sexual assault cases are some of the most difficult for a defendant to go through. The social stigma, from your community to loved ones to media judgment, may be the worst thing you experience ...
Can I Be Removed from the Megan's Law Registry?
By Jonathan A. Kessous, Esq. · 9 years ago
If you're charged with child sexual assault, a conviction can lead to prison time, lifetime parole and, most seriously, registration on the sex offender registry known as Megan's Law. Registration on this list severely restricts ...
Please Help! I Was Charged with Sexual Assault
By Jonathan A. Kessous, Esq. · 9 years ago
Charges of sexual assault hold serious consequences in our culture. They can change your life, your reputation, your relationships, and your standing in society. The stigma, whether or not you're convicted, can follow you around ...
You’re Slapped with Drunk Driving Charges…Now What?
By Jonathan Kessous · 9 years ago
You go to a restaurant. Maybe you've had a couple beers. You get in your car, start driving and fail to make a complete stop at a stop sign. The police lights shine in your ...