Author's articles

Electronic Stability Control: Operation and Effectiveness
By Judy Mercy · 12 years ago
ESC or the Electronic Stability Control of a vehicle is part of the cars computer system that can improve the safety of the vehicle. The system works by detecting a skid and helping to minimize ...
Mobile Phones and Driving Safety
By Judy Mercy · 12 years ago
With the amazing popularity and huge growth that the mobile phone industry has seen over the past decade, it is estimated that more than 50% of the population now owns a mobile phone. Talking on ...
Pedestrian Protection Systems: Statistics and Design
By Judy Mercy · 12 years ago
Pedestrians account for almost 2/3s of the 1.2 million individuals that are killed yearly in a traffic related incident. Obviously, pedestrian safety is a major concern and recently engineers have started to design cars that ...
Side Collisions: Statistics and Protection Strategies
By Judy Mercy · 12 years ago
A side collision mainly occurs when two or more vehicles collide and one or both of the vehicles involved has its side impacted. This type of accident generally occurs at intersections, when vehicles are passing ...
The Anatomy of Different Types of Road Accidents
By Judy Mercy · 12 years ago
When it comes to driving on the road, accidents occur every day. There are four main types of categories that road accidents fall into. These are accidents that involve animals, accidents that involve bicyclists or ...