Author's articles

Policy Writing for Small Businesses
By Sam Pearce · 7 years ago
Running a small business can be a challenge when it comes to policies and procedures just as much as for a medium or large business. However, policies are essential for the running of any business ...
Why secondary characters are important
By Sam Pearce · 7 years ago
You’ve worked tirelessly on crafting your protagonist and the perfect antagonist, but what about your supporting cast? Secondary characters are an essential part of any good script. They are integral to the plot and often ...
Top 10 tips when preparing for CQC (Care Quality Commission) inspection
By Sam Pearce · 7 years ago
All providers of health and social care in England should be aware of the legal requirement to register with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). However, how well prepared is your organisation for the pending inspection ...
How to ensure non-NHS health care organisations are prepared for CQC registration
By Sam Pearce · 7 years ago
Registering with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) is compulsory for all providers of health and social care in England, not just those as part of the NHS, and it is against the law not to ...
How to Add Colour to your Fictional Writing
By Sam Pearce · 8 years ago
Creating a piece of captivating fiction doesn't always come easily. If you really want to draw your reader in and make them believe every scene in your story as if they are actually part of ...
The standard process a Non-NHS Provider goes through when registering with Monitor
By Sam Pearce · 8 years ago
Below is an explanation of how Monitor sits into the overall regulatory set up. Monitor is one of the bodies regulating and overseeing healthcare in England and sits alongside a number of other bodies and ...
Secrets of Study Success - Make a Study Plan
By Sam Pearce · 10 years ago
Study plans are a key tool to be equipped with when it comes to managing your work load, whether you are revising for exams, writing a dissertation or trying to stay on top of what ...
Powerful Free Tips on How to Improve Your Story Writing Skills
By Samantha Pearce · 13 years ago
Everybody is different. Personally, before I had been given an opportunity to write a short story, or even had any desire to write a short story, had anyone asked me what my perception was of ...
How to Complete a Literature Review for Your Dissertation
By Samantha Pearce · 13 years ago
It's always so much fun writing a dissertation isn't it?! Completing an essay is difficult enough, but a dissertation is a much bigger beast, because the structure required of the dissertation and the level of ...
How to Gain Satisfaction From Your New Job - be Happy and Successful
By Samantha Pearce · 13 years ago
Unless you're incredibly lucky, instant gratification does not occur immediately when you start a new job. Instead, gratification in your new job requires persistence and patience, but hang on in there, as once you've settled ...
Version 8 of the Information Governance Toolkit - What it's all About!
By Samantha Pearce · 13 years ago
The Department of Health body, 'Connecting for Health' has produced a toolkit which allows NHS organisations, dentists, opticians, private healthcare providers and other relevant suppliers to healthcare to assess themselves against a series of policies ...
The Importance of Completing a Dry-run Assessment When Preparing for CQC Assessment
By Samantha Pearce · 13 years ago
Having thoroughly assessed your service against the CQC's essential standards, submitted your applications forms and applied for your CRB checks, the next stage is your actual assessment visit. Typically, the point at which the assessors ...
Why Branding is Important Within the Documentation You Produce for the CQC
By Samantha Pearce · 13 years ago
If you are a healthcare provider, whether that be an NHS or a private provider, you will be aware that you will need to be registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in order for ...
How to Increase Profitability by Winning Public Sector Tenders
By Samantha Pearce · 13 years ago
Finding business in today economic climate is similar to the task of finding a new job… it is tricky! Most companies are not looking to expand at the moment, and so they are either choosing ...
Profit From Free Career Advice - How to Best Use Your University Services
By Samantha Pearce · 13 years ago
The Careers Service Once you have completed your degree your mind naturally turns to your career. Unless you are one of the few students who have had a clear idea of your career direction for ...
How Work Experience Can Help Your Future Career
By Samantha Pearce · 13 years ago
It is becoming increasingly important to undertake a period of work experience especially if you are an undergraduate student or have recently graduated. The jobs market is tough and more and more employers becoming more ...
How to Write a University Term Paper - Be the Top Student
By Samantha Pearce · 13 years ago
The key to writing a successful term paper is in the organisation. Well written papers hide the effort that goes into the plans and research whilst also demonstrating a knowledgeable insight into a chosen subject. ...
The Easy Way to Boost Book Sales - How to Write a Tie-in
By Samantha Pearce · 13 years ago
'Tie-in books' might be a term that you haven't heard before, and yet no doubt you will have seen them in book stores and supermarkets, and may even have brought a couple of them. Tie-in ...
Free Valuable Advice From Professionals to Skyrocket Your Book Sales
By Samantha Pearce · 13 years ago
The majority of books that we read are constructed in a very similar fashion, namely the simple retelling of a story in chronological order using prose. This is clearly a tried and tested format that ...
Promising Signs That Your Interview was Successful
By Samantha Pearce · 13 years ago
So you've just come out of a really important job interview, you're going to feel completely relieved that it's all over and either confident that you did well or worried that you didn't. It's common ...