Author's articles

The Art and Science of Writing a Killer CV or Resume
By Samantha Pearce · 13 years ago
Your CV is really your passport to a job interview. It's your first and best chance to show an employer you've got the skills and experience they require, and that you are the right person ...
Boost Your Career Progression Prospects After the Interview
By Samantha Pearce · 13 years ago
When it comes to applying for a job, the majority of us go through the stages of sourcing a job that we are interested in, checking the job description and person specification to make sure ...
The Secrets of Writing the Perfect Online CV for Career Success
By Samantha Pearce · 13 years ago
It is impossible to avoid the ever growing online world. And so it is no wonder that some recruitment and employer websites ask you or recommend that you build an online CV rather than using ...
Skyrocket Your Success as an Author - 9 Easy to Follow Steps to Improve Your Writing
By Sam Pearce · 13 years ago
Faced with a clean sheet of paper or a blank word document on a computer, writing can seem like a daunting task. However with little self cajoling and some advice it can be a simpler ...
How to Profit from Your Skills - the Ultimate Easy to Follow Guide for Graduates
By Sam Pearce · 13 years ago
Getting your graduate CV right is vital if you want your hard study to be rewarded by securing the job of your dreams. However, graduates often find the prospect of completing their CV a very ...
Lifelong Learning, the Key To Self Improvement and Success - Study Tips
By Samantha Pearce · 14 years ago
So, you have enrolled in a distance learning course. All your course material has arrived. You have cleared a space in the spare bedroom and your new shiny pencils are sharpened and ready to go! ...
Top Tips on How to Succeed in HR
By Sam Pearce · 13 years ago
My decision to join the HR profession was in no way an accident or a Plan B. I still remember from my early education an ambition to work within a HR environment where I felt ...
The Insider's Guide on how to Deliver a Strong Formal Presentation
By Sam Pearce · 14 years ago
For most people, the thought of delivering a formal presentation; be it in a work or study situation, will strike dread, fear and general foreboding. All too often the perception is that a formal presentation ...
Top Techniques and Advice for Authors - Writing a Killer Gardening Book
By Sam Pearce · 14 years ago
The magnificence of gardening is that it is so diverse. Recently it has become fashionable for guerrilla and organic gardening (with the aim of self sufficiency). However, trends are ever changing and ideas are always ...
Benefit from These Top Tips to Increase Your Book Sales
By Sam Pearce · 14 years ago
We are always told not to judge a book by its cover. Yet book covers are so influential on the way we perceive the text inside them. In order to pick up and read an ...