Author's articles

What is the Best Blogging Platform?
By Mickey Lieberman · 1 year ago
Blogging has become an incredibly popular way for individuals and businesses to share their thoughts, ideas, and products with the world. With so many blogging platforms available, it can be difficult to know which one ...
What are the Best Free WordPress Plugins?
By Mickey Lieberman · 1 year ago
When it comes to building a website on WordPress, plugins are a crucial aspect to consider. These add-ons can help improve your website's functionality, design, and performance. With thousands of free WordPress plugins available, it's ...
How to Choose the Best Niche for Your WordPress Blog
By Mickey Lieberman · 1 year ago
Starting a blog is a great way to share your expertise, connect with a community, and even earn income. But with so many blogs out there, how do you choose a niche that stands out ...
10 Tips for Maintaining a Successful WordPress Blog
By Mickey Lieberman · 1 year ago
Starting and maintaining a successful blog can be a daunting task, but with the right strategies and tools, it can also be incredibly rewarding. As one of the most popular blogging platforms, WordPress provides a ...
What are The Most Important Pages to Include on Your New Website?
By Mickey Lieberman · 1 year ago
Before you go about creating your blog, you must first address a very important item and that is your web hosting. This will be the company that will house all of the components that are ...
How to Make Money by Creating a Content-Filled Website
By Mickey Lieberman · 1 year ago
Are you looking for a relatively easy way to make money writing articles? If so, you should consider developing your content-filled website. You do not need a product to sell to make money online. Instead, ...
What are the 7 Things to Avoid at All Costs with WordPress Blogging?
By Mickey Lieberman · 1 year ago
Introduction. Your WordPress site can be as big or as feeble as you want it to be. Naturally, we'd all like to create the most fearsome websites possible, but this will only happen sometimes; you'll ...
What are the Secrets of Writing Killer Blog Posts?
By Mickey Lieberman · 1 year ago
Introduction Blogging has become a popular means of conveying information and interacting with an audience. A well-written blog article can educate, amuse, and inspire its audience. Nevertheless, producing unique blog articles involves more than simply ...
What are Common Sense Guidelines for Using WordPress?
By Mickey Lieberman · 1 year ago
There are numerous guidelines to follow when you create and use WordPress. Many are common sense items and some require that you be aware of them. You are allowed to do many things, but there ...
How to Optimize and Speed Up Your WordPress Blog
By Mickey Lieberman · 1 year ago
Why should you speed up WordPress? Why would you not want your website to load as fast as possible? When checking out new websites, nothing makes me spring for the “back” button like a slow ...
What Makes WordPress an Incredibly Powerful Blogging System?
By Mickey Lieberman · 1 year ago
So why choose WordPress? You may have heard that Google gives priority to these websites. There's strong evidence that WordPress blogs get better search rankings than other sites. WordPress Blogging What is so special about ...
What Are the 10 Scariest Things About WordPress Blogging?
By Mickey Lieberman · 1 year ago
With its user-friendly interface and a plethora of customization options, WordPress has become one of the most popular blogging platforms globally, attracting millions of website owners to create and publish content. However, despite its many ...
How is WordPress the Best Choice for a Website?
By Mickey Lieberman · 1 year ago
For most bloggers, WordPress is probably the best thing ever invented. This is because it allows bloggers to tweak almost every little detail in their blogs. This gives bloggers tremendous power and flexibility in managing ...
What Do You Need to Know About WordPress Security?
By Mickey Lieberman · 1 year ago
A very important fact to consider is to make all of your WordPress blog (s) as secure as possible to prevent hackers from accessing your site and destroying everything that you have worked so hard ...
How To Be More Successful At Blogging To Make Money
By Mickey Lieberman · 1 year ago
Have you always wanted to blog but didn't know where to start? Blogging has gotten progressively easier than ever thanks to new technology. Have you always wanted to blog but didn't know where to start? ...
How to Use a Security Checklist to Help Keep Your Blog Safe From Hackers
By Mickey Lieberman · 1 year ago
Keeping your blog secure is crucial to protecting your content, readers, and reputation as a blogger. Hackers are always looking for website vulnerabilities, and blogs are no exception. So, is there a security checklist to ...
What are the Best Reasons to Use WordPress?
By Mickey Lieberman · 1 year ago
There are tons of WordPress benefits. WordPress is the most popular content management system (CMS.) But why do webmasters choose WordPress? What are some of the benefits of using WordPress? What Is WordPress? WordPress is ...
What Does Blogging Mean?
By Mickey Lieberman · 1 year ago
Blogging is the action you perform when you make a post to a weblog or blog, comment on a previous blog post, or maintain a blog. Many people who make posts to a blog regularly ...
What are the Best Ways to Promote Your Blog?
By Mickey Lieberman · 1 year ago
Introduction. Starting and maintaining a successful blog entails more than just writing great posts. You need to promote your blog if you want more people to visit your site and read your posts. Fortunately, there ...
What are the Best Ways to Optimize Your WordPress Blog for SEO?
By Mickey Lieberman · 1 year ago
Introduction. By optimizing a WordPress site for search engines, a site can increase its organic traffic and its visibility in search results. Since its inception, WordPress has been built with search engine optimization (SEO) best ...