Author's articles

Dedicated Hosting vs. Cloud Hosting
By Andrew Marshall · 12 years ago
There are many web hosting options and two of these are dedicated hosting and cloud hosting. There are advantages and disadvantages to both and these are outlined below. Dedicated hosting is where a web server ...
How Businesses can Save on Costs
By Andrew Marshall · 12 years ago
Many businesses have found times difficult over the last few years. The continuing economic gloom has had an impact on many areas of business, meaning the need to cut costs wherever possible. There are several ...
What is the ISA Allowance?
By Andrew Marshall · 12 years ago
Investing in an ISA is a way of being able to make tax free investments. People can invest up to the ISA allowance amount each year through cash ISA’s and stocks and shares ISA’s. Up ...
Why You Should Recycle
By Andrew Marshall · 12 years ago
There are many good reasons to recycle. The more we recycle the less materials have to be used for the manufacture of new products. Recycling is good for both the economy and the environment. Recycling ...
How Shutters came to the United States
By Andrew Marshall · 12 years ago
Window Shutters are a popular type of window covering that offer a traditional look and practicality. They are now popular throughout the world, but were originally established in the Mediterranean, before spreading across Europe. Their ...
The Advantages of Blinds and Interior Shutters
By Andrew Marshall · 12 years ago
Blinds and interior shutters are two different types of window coverings. They have their similarities but in others ways are very different. Blinds are the cheaper option but shutters are generally considered more elegant and ...
The Advantages of Different Types of Investments
By Andrew Marshall · 12 years ago
Do you have some money to invest? If so, you may be wondering what to invest in. This article takes a look at some of the advantages of different types of investments. Investment Trusts An ...
Things to do in Southampton
By Andrew Marshall · 12 years ago
Southampton is the largest city in the county of Hampshire. It has a rich history which has included playing an important part in both world wars. The city’s population is around 240,000. Here are some ...
Investing in Wine
By Andrew Marshall · 12 years ago
Collecting rare wines has long been a hobby for some. But it can also be a profitable investment for those who know what they are doing. Buying a fine wine, storing it and keeping it ...
The Differences Between Web Design and Graphic Design
By Andrew Marshall · 12 years ago
Being a good web designer and graphic designer can be very different things. Although there are some similarities, they are different mediums and the design considerations can vary. With a website the design must work ...
What are Academy Schools?
By Andrew Marshall · 12 years ago
Academies are a relatively new type of school that are being encouraged by the UK government. They are free from the government regulations that regular schools are and are independently run. They are state maintained ...
Is it still worth saving for Children’s Education?
By Andrew Marshall · 12 years ago
The system for paying university tuition fees is changing just as the new Junior ISA is coming in. But does the change in tuition fees mean that one of the main reasons parents save for ...
Rules and Regulations for Residential Landlords
By Andrew Marshall · 12 years ago
An important part in renting out a residential property is the rules and regulations that landlords must abide by. This article covers some of the most important regulations, and includes gas, electrical and fire safety. ...
Charity in the Current Economy
By Andrew Marshall · 12 years ago
The economic situation over the last few years has had a major impact on British society. But what impact has it had on charities and charitable donations? Have people been giving less to charity? With ...
Earnings and the Minimum Standard of Living
By Andrew Marshall · 13 years ago
According to research carried out by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, in 2011 families will need to earn 20% more than they did in 2010 to achieve the minimum acceptable standard of living. The Joseph Rowntree ...
Things to Think about When Starting a Business
By Andrew Marshall · 13 years ago
A Business Plan The first thing you need when starting up a business is a business plan. You should be ambitious but realistic; you need to aim high but also think about what is genuinely ...
What are MDG’s?
By Andrew Marshall · 13 years ago
MDG stands for Millennium Development Goals and is a set of eight international goals for development with the aim of achieving them by 2015. These have been agreed upon by all the United Nations member ...
The Basics of the Internet
By Andrew Marshall · 13 years ago
The internet plays an important role in modern society. Billions of people around the world use it for a wide variety of reasons, from shopping and reading news to keeping in touch with friends and ...
Considerations when Choosing VoIP for Business and Personal Use
By Andrew Marshall · 13 years ago
There are a wide array of VoIP providers out there, with each offering their own benefits. There are cheap options that sacrifice quality for price, and more expensive, top quality VoIP packages. When choosing a ...
Factors in Choosing Managed Hosting
By Andrew Marshall · 13 years ago
When choosing a Managed Hosting provider there are many factors that need to be taken into consideration. These include price, security, support, bandwidth and disk space. Price We often here the phrase "you get what ...