Author's articles

How Mediterranean Interior Design differs from Northern Europe
By Andrew Marshall · 14 years ago
Mediterranean style interior design is popular all over, not just within the Mediterranean itself. People associate the Mediterranean countries, such as Spain, Italy and Greece, with a laidback style of like and want to replicate ...
Custody of Children after a Divorce
By Andrew Marshall · 14 years ago
Over the course of history women have been given custody of children after a divorce more often than men. This used to be seen almost as an automatic right. This has changed slightly in recent ...
How Parenting has been affected by the Recession
By Andrew Marshall · 14 years ago
The current recession is having its effect on many people. This can be even more of a problem for parents. It is expensive bringing up children so when parents suffer financial problems it can become ...
Using your hosting facilities to offer services to others
By Andrew Marshall · 14 years ago
Businesses who run their own web hosting should consider using their hosting facilities to host the website of others. They can do this either by becoming a full blown host, with their own hosting staff ...
Is Green Hosting genuine or a marketing ploy?
By Andrew Marshall · 14 years ago
Environmental issues have increasingly been in the public eye over the last few years with the earth’s natural resources beginning to run out. The future of the planet, something previously rarely considered, is now being ...
Types of Managed Hosting
By Andrew Marshall · 14 years ago
There are different degrees of managed hosting; it is not just a matter of your hosting being managed or unmanaged. Different aspect of your hosting will be, and will not be managed, depending on the ...
Common Web Design Mistakes
By Andrew Marshall · 14 years ago
NOT THINKING ABOUT THE VISITORS NEEDS – Too many web designers are too concerned about how they want their website to look and not what the visitors will appreciate. You need to provide the information ...