Author's articles

Tech Sector to Weather Economic Storm
By Peter Surowski · 4 years ago
Nobody's denying that the U.S.—and likely the world—is about to feel an economic slowdown. Some expect a recession or full-blown depression and the unemployment rate to exceed 10 percent. But web and software development—and most ...
Tech Sector to Weather Economic Storm
By Peter Surowski · 4 years ago
Nobody’s denying that the U.S.—and likely the world—are about to feel an economic slowdown. Some are expecting recession or full-blown depression and the unemployment rate to exceed 10 percent. But web and software development—and most ...
3 Tips on Updating Your Resume in the Wake of COVID-19
By Peter Surowski · 4 years ago
A lot of jobs outside of the technology sector are expected to shrink in the aftermath of the COVID-19 shutdown, and some in the tech field—and outside too—are updating their resumes and getting ready to ...
3 Ways to Profit in Lock Down
By Peter Surowski · 4 years ago
With the world in COVID-19 lock down, web developers and tech professionals have found themselves in an advantageous position: They can easily do their job without physically being near anyone. But with so many businesses ...