Author's articles

What is an anal fissure and how to get rid of it
By William Mason · 3 months ago
Pain during bowel movements is never a fun experience. There are many causes for various pain, but, if you're experiencing sharp burning or stinging sensations during your time in the restroom, it's likely you may ...
What are the symptoms of anal fissure?
By William Mason · 3 months ago
Have you seen blood on your stool or on the tissue you’ve used? Are you feeling pain on the rectal area? Are you experiencing pain during bowel movement? If you answer any of those questions ...
What causes anal fissures?
By William Mason · 3 months ago
Anal fissures are cracks, fissures or disruptions on the skin surface around the anus. These fissures are comparable to small wounds that may cause acute or chronic pain, itching, irritations, and difficulties in defecation. These ...
Review on The Longest Yard 2005 film
By William Mason · 2 years ago
Being a professional athlete may give you some benefits but not a jail-free pass. Former NFL quarterback Paul Crewe, played by comedian Adam Sandler, finds himself in a Texas jail after violating his parole. Instead ...
Surviving prison in the US
By William Mason · 2 years ago
“How to survive in prison in the USA?” If you’re caught in a really bad situation and you end up asking yourself that question, then you’re in the right place. Whether you’ll be staying in ...
Surviving in a county jail in USA
By William Mason · 2 years ago
“How to survive in county jail in the USA?” Have you ever asked this question yourself? No matter how much you read articles and stories about jails or prisons, you won’t really know how to ...
5 Important Things To Know About How To Survive In A Juvenile Detention Center
By William Mason · 2 years ago
Do stories about how to survive in a juvenile detention center freak you out? Are you worried about how you can survive a day behind the prison bars? It’s never easy to be locked up ...
Rules to Follow When Visiting a Prison Inmate in Pelican Bay
By William Mason · 2 years ago
Having an inmate for a friend or family member is a serious matter, especially if you are planning to keep in contact with them throughout the duration of their sentence. Prison facilities such as the ...
How to Survive in Women’s Prison?
By William Mason · 2 years ago
Nothing can be more difficult for any person than being in prison for the first time. Newly incarcerated people, especially women, often experience intense anxiety, confusion and fear. The mere sound of slamming bars echoing ...
Top 10 Best Prison or Jail Movies of All Time
By William Mason · 2 years ago
1. Papillon – It is a 1973 French film directed by Franklin Schaffner. The movie is based on the autobiography of a French convict who was wrongly imprisoned for murder. It has an 82% rating ...
RESTORATIVE JUSTICE: How They Do It at Stateville Correctional Center
By William Mason · 2 years ago
While the "tough on crime" perspective is still a hot issue in debates around the world today, restorative justice is without a doubt an aspect of the criminal justice system. This concept operates under the ...
How to Survive Solitary Confinement in Prison?
By William Mason · 2 years ago
Surviving prison is hard enough for most people. What more if you are held in solitary confinement for the rest of your prison sentence? Do you have any idea how to survive solitary confinement in ...
How to Survive Prison as a Sex Offender?
By William Mason · 2 years ago
As much as everyone is at risk when in prison, there are certain groups of people who are more in danger than others. Sex offenders, especially child molesters are among the most harmful prisoners due ...
First Time in Jail: How to Survive
By William Mason · 2 years ago
“How to survive your first time in jail?” Did you ever ask this question and the only thing you felt was uncertainty? And when you ponder more on the question, you end up feeling afraid ...
Discover Easy Ways on How To Survive As A White Guy In Jail
By William Mason · 2 years ago
There are many false assumptions about how to survive as a white guy in jail. These assumptions were formed due to speculations that black men are more dangerous than white guys in jail. The truth ...
Can a Relationship Survive a Prison Sentence?
By William Mason · 2 years ago
If you are married or in a serious relationship when you get incarcerated, you may have apprehensions whether your relationship can survive the ordeal of being apart for a long time. There have been numerous ...
Why do I have skin tags popping up?
By William Mason · 2 years ago
There are roughly 3 million individuals that will be diagnosed with skin tags in the United States today. This is something that is common, but when it occurs on your skin, you may be tempted ...
Are skin tags and stretch marks related?
By William Mason · 2 years ago
Skin tags are small growths that come up from the skin and are not cancerous. Many people assume that growths are related to sexually transmitted diseases or something similar. The truth of the matter is ...
Are skin tags and rash related?
By William Mason · 2 years ago
Skin problems are something that millions of people will have to deal with at various stages of their lives. You will not be immune to dealing with this at one point or another. It’s something ...
What are the best essential oils for skin tags removal?
By William Mason · 2 years ago
Skin tags form up from the dermis in a lot of different ways. There are a lot of people that will have to deal with this, including upwards of 3 million individuals in the United ...