Author's articles

Truck Tents and Tailgate Canopies make Great Vehicle Accessories
By Renee Christenson · 11 years ago
Truck tents and tailgate canopies are gaining popularity in the world of sports and outdoor enthusiasts. These accessories are perfect for SUVs as well as pickup trucks, and some models even fit cars. The great ...
Create an Incident Command Post using vehicle accessories such as tailgate tents, lights and flags
By Renee Christenson · 12 years ago
When fires break out or accidents happen, emergency response teams are quick to arrive on the scene. Fast response is necessary in order to save lives and property. Anyone involved in an incident relies on ...
Turning A First Responder Vehicle Into A Mobile Command Post
By Renee Christenson · 12 years ago
As a police officer, sheriff, fireman or EMS responder chances are pretty high that you're going to be first on the scene at an incident. Vehicle canopies and truck tents can help first responders turn ...