Author's articles

Your Authentic Self: Love Who You Are Right Now
By Rita Louise · 4 years ago
Many of us live our lives on autopilot. We exist day to day programmed like an automaton and never consider the choices we have. We let our old habits dominate what we do and what ...
2012: The Theories, The Prophecies, The Aftermath
By Dr. Rita Louise · 13 years ago
The thought of the year 2012 brings to the minds of many images of gloom and doom, death and destruction, and the potential reemergence of mankind from its ashes. In the last few years there ...
Understanding Breast Cancer
By Dr. Rita Louise · 19 years ago
Our body is made up thousands of cells that differ in size, shape and function. Controlled by our DNA, each cell is programmed to perform certain tasks and after a specified period of time - ...