Author's articles

HOMO AESTIMARIS: A Dualistic Model of Human Evolution
By Robert Depaolo · 4 months ago
by Robert DePaolo Abstract This article presents a speculative model of human evolution based on a sequence of events and conditions that caused mutations and various developmental features, leading to the unique anatomical, linguistic and ...
The Science (and Mystery) of Free Will: With Implications for Determinism, Morality and Law
By Robert Depaolo · 6 months ago
Abstract This article discusses free will in the context of brain function and in particular, the internal language faculties discussed by Alexander Luria and others. The point is made that there is a middle ground ...
The Mystery of Gravity: An Exercise of the Imagination
By Robert Depaolo · 6 months ago
Abstract This article discusses confusing aspects of the gravitational force, in particular how it can exert its influence when celestial bodies- supposedly attracted to one another according to Newtonian mathematics and Einstein's "warped fabric of ...
The Theosophy of Jesus Christ: A View of Historical Influence
By Robert Depaolo · 8 months ago
by Robert DePaolo Abstract This article discusses possible origins of the new-Judaic religious system espoused by Jesus of Nazareth in terms of prevailing trends during and prior to his ministry. The idea is put forth ...
Biology in the Bible: Evolution in the Garden of Eden
By Robert Depaolo · 10 months ago
Abstract by Robert DePaolo This article discusses sociobiological phenomena that influenced the times in which the Old Testament was written. The idea is put forth that there is a central theme inherent in the scriptures ...
From Hand to Mouth: The Happenstance of Human Language Origins
By Robert Depaolo · 11 months ago
Abstract This article discusses the origin of human language in terms of the happenstance mechanisms of natural selection - not as a capacity that evolved "in order to" enhance human communication and/or aid in survival ...
Essay: Wave/Particle Theory Revisited: In Support of de Broglie's Model
By Robert Depaolo · 1 year ago
Essay Wave/Particle Theory Revisited: In Support of de Broglie's Model Abstract This article offers support for Louis de Broglie's resolution to the wave/particle paradox. The argument is submitted that as de Broglie suggested, all objects ...
Essay: Brain Genesis and the Frontal Cortex : An Approach/Avoidance Model
By Robert Depaolo · 1 year ago
Abstract This article discusses the structure, function and systemic nature of brain evolution, as a mechanism operating on two levels: one devoted to address the demands of the external environment, the other to maintaining internal ...
Piscean Depression: A Clinical/Remedial Concept
By Robert Depaolo · 1 year ago
Piscean Depression: A Clinical/Remedial Concept Abstract This article discusses a type of depression pertinent to high activity/high achiever personality types. The clinical picture discussed is of individuals who must (by analogy to an ocean dweller ...
Murder, Narcissism, and the Limbic Ring: The Neurology of The Serial Killer
By Robert Depaolo · 1 year ago
Abstract This article offers the opinion that serial killers are driven by neuro-behavioral drives that might be coupled with socio-intrapersonal dynamics but in and of themselves are too strong, the killer too unable to describe ...
Bundy and Oswald:
By Robert Depaolo · 2 years ago
Bundy and Oswald: Murder, Psychopathology, and the Compensation Dynamic By Robert DePaolo Abstract This article discusses psychological factors behind the acts of two of the most notorious killers in American history: Theodore Robert Bundy and ...
American Violence; A Two-Pronged Remedial Approach
By Robert Depaolo · 2 years ago
American Violence: A Two-Pronged Approach to Remediation In the aftermath of recent shootings in Texas, Buffalo and Oklahoma - which incidentally comprise a heinous, but the mere proportion of murders in the USA, the usual ...
The Mystery of Intelligence: Organic and Inorganic Foundations
By Robert Depaolo · 2 years ago
Abstract This article discusses a possible aspect of the natural world that transcends the functions of brain and mind, facilitates decision making and intelligent behavior and operates according to electro-information principles. At the root of ...
Serial Killers; A Multifactorial Discussion of Etiology
By Robert Depaolo · 2 years ago
Serial Killers: A Multi-factorial Discussion of Etiology by Robert DePaolo Abstract This article discusses the behavioral dynamics of serial killers in terms of several disciplines including psychology, linguistics, anthropology, sociology and neurology. Conclusions are drawn ...
Critical Mass: The Search for the Quantum/Classical Threshold, the Inanimate God and the Beginning of Time
By Robert Michael Depaolo · 3 years ago
Critical Mass: A Search for the Quantum/Classical Threshold, the "Inanimate God" and the Beginning of Time Abstract by Robert DePaolo This article discusses the particle/wave duality and the point (mass threshold) at which the quantum ...
Comments and Questions on the Wave/Particle Duality
By Robert Michael Depaolo · 3 years ago
Comments and Questions on the Wave/ Particle Duality: by Robert DePaolo Abstract This article discusses the essential nature of matter; specifically differing ideas on whether it consists most fundamentally of waves, particles or wave driven ...
Speculations on a Quantum Model of Gravity
By Robert Depaolo · 5 years ago
by Robert DePaolo Abstract This article discusses a possible connection between uncertainty and the particle/wave duality inherent in quantum mechanics and the lawful (classical) descriptions of the gravitational force. The point is made that if ...
The Bi modal Personality: A Socio-sexual model of Human Behavior
By Robert Depaolo · 5 years ago
by Robert DePaolo Abstract This article discusses two core aspects of personality that have broad impact on multiple behavior patterns; including creativity, politics, sexuality and antisocial behavior. The model is derived from human/primate evolutionary origins ...