Author's articles

Boredom and Disinterest in a Child Could Be Disguising ADD
By Sharona Dell · 12 years ago
The mom’s group was at the park for our weekly gathering. While my children are grown up for the most part, I do take my nephews out and have gotten pretty friendly with the local ...
A Halo for a Parent of a Down’s Syndrome Child
By Sharona Dell · 12 years ago
After raising children of my own, I’ve come to realize that patience is one of the most important virtues of parenthood. From the "Terrible Two’s" to their teens, they test and try one’s patience. I ...
What Reading Means for Me and My Family
By Sharona Dell · 12 years ago
Creativity, according to the left-brain, right-brain dominance theory, is best at expressive tasks. Often associated with emotions, music, color, images, and intuition, a person is often labeled, "right-brained" when they are in more creative fields. ...