Author's articles

How Building Your Personal Brand Can Help You Escape from the Corporate World
By Susan Friesen · 1 year ago
Over the last few years, we’ve seen record numbers of people quitting their jobs. There are many different reasons for this, but undoubtedly, a big contributor is a growing entrepreneurial spirit and a desire to ...
7 Tips MedSpas Can Follow to Increase Website Traffic
By Susan Friesen · 3 years ago
How to Let Potential Clients Know About Your Website You’ve done the hard part; you’ve built your vision of a MedSpa business. You invested in having a nice website built but…nothing is happening. The phone ...
Tales from the Online Marketing Crypt #10: Playing the Dangerous Comparison Game on Social Media
By Susan Friesen · 3 years ago
Tales from the Online Marketing Crypt #10 The Truth Behind the Social Media Gurus They Don’t Want You to Know I’m sure we’ve all done it. Compared ourselves to the seemingly successful people that showcase ...
How to Optimize Your Website for Local Search
By Susan Friesen · 3 years ago
7 SEO Strategies to Optimize Your Local Business Website In the past year (has it really been a year since we first went into COVID-19-mode?!), we’ve heard a lot about the #ShopLocal movement. Especially over ...
Tales from the Online Marketing Crypt #9 : Why Cheap Websites Are More Expensive Than You Think
By Susan Friesen · 3 years ago
Tales from the Online Marketing Crypt – Vol. 9 Your Website May Be Under-Performing Because It’s Underpaid During one of my usual jaunts on Facebook, I came across a post where someone was making the ...
How We Rebranded, Redesigned & Redefined a Small Business
By Susan Friesen · 3 years ago
A Case Study on Innovative Sleep Solutions, Surrey, BC The team at eVision Media loves helping small business owners rebrand—from bringing website redesign ideas to life to increasing engagement on social media. It’s not only ...
How to Have More Inclusive Brand Marketing—Authentically
By Susan Friesen · 3 years ago
Add Diversity to Your Brand with Integrity & Honesty In recent years we’ve been hearing more and more about diversity and inclusion (D&I) in the workplace. The words “diversity” and “inclusion,” are similar, but they ...
Tales from the Online Marketing Crypt #8 - The Inconvenient Side Effect of the Shop Local Movement
By Susan Friesen · 3 years ago
What Local B2C Businesses Need to Focus on to Stay Open Since COVID-19 barged in on our lives, there’s been a lot of rallying on social media about the #ShopLocal movement. I’ve been on that ...
Your Guide to SEO Trends for 2021
By Susan Friesen · 3 years ago
3 of the Latest SEO Tips to Grow Your Website Traffic The end of each year is a time for reflection, both personally and professionally. One of the things I start to see in my ...
How to Have Clients Who Are Your Ardent Champions
By Susan Friesen · 3 years ago
Tales from the Online Marketing Crypt – Vol. 7 Showing Gratitude to The Uncle Toms of the Marketing World I’m certain every family has at least one of them in them. The rebel. The black ...
How to Add Festive Flair to Your Website for the Holidays
By Susan Friesen · 3 years ago
8 Simple Seasonal Website Branding Tips Are you decking out your home with holly, stringing lights on your porch and setting up Santa in your front yard? For many people, it’s time to start celebrating ...
Empathetic Marketing Lessons Learned from my Scythe-Wielding Days
By Susan Friesen · 3 years ago
Tales from the Online Marketing Crypt - Vol. 6 How to Set Yourself Apart as a Business Leader in Today’s Economy My Dad was, and still is, a practical man. Growing up, he would often ...
3 Easy Steps to Embrace Your Holiday Brand Voice during COVID-19
By Susan Friesen · 3 years ago
How to Differentiate Your Seasonal Marketing Campaign in 2020 When it comes to defining your brand it’s easy to get caught up in the visuals: the logo, the font size of the text, the imagery ...
Key Steps Before Implementing an Online Marketing Plan
By Susan Friesen · 6 years ago
Part One: You Have a Website; Now How Do You Attract New Clients? Having a website doesn’t do much for your business if no one visits it. Try these initial steps to marketing your website ...
3 Telltale Indicators Your Website is An Epic Failure
By Susan Friesen · 6 years ago
Glaring Red Flags Your Website is Under Performing and What to Do About it Do you know how well your website is really performing? While a great website can help bring in business; a bad ...
7 Frustrating Things Your Visitors Hate About Your Website
By Susan Friesen · 6 years ago
Why Your Business Can’t Ignore the Importance of Providing a Positive User Experience (UX) Does your site provide the best user experience? Bad website usability is not only bad for your users; it’s bad for ...
Is Jealously the Biggest Culprit in Thwarting Your Business Growth?
By Susan Friesen · 7 years ago
Why Gratitude is One of the Biggest Keys to Success No magic pill, wand or formula was applied in creating this success story. While Social Media can have many benefits to business growth, there’s an ...
How to Protect Your Business from Cyber Crime
By Susan Friesen · 7 years ago
Is your business secure? It may not be. Many unscrupulous individuals are operating online looking for new ways to exploit honest people. I was recently pulled into a scam enacted by someone yet to be ...
Getting Started on Twitter for Your Business
By Susan Friesen · 7 years ago
How to Set Your Profile, Make Connections, and Start Expanding Your Business Exposure Through Twitter July is Twitter Month for us at eVision Media so for those already using Twitter for their business stay tuned ...
Is Video Marketing right for you and where should you use it?
By Susan Friesen · 7 years ago
Why Video Marketing Garners Great Results for Business Owners and Entrepreneurs Video marketing is a hot topic for us lately and for good reason. Online marketing is a dynamic business but not always unpredictable. For ...