Author's articles

Crazy Ideas: Why and How
By Steve Gillman · 13 years ago
There is a lot to be said for dreaming up crazy ideas, and doing so is more than just a way to exercise your creativity (although it's very good for that purpose too). Sometimes a ...
Defeating Brain Fog
By Steve Gillman · 13 years ago
We all have a bit of brain fog from time to time - particularly in the morning for myself. We may want to concentrate on finishing that story, working on that report for work, or ...
Find A House That is Right For You
By Steve Gillman · 13 years ago
In order to find a house that is right for you, you have to first think carefully about what you actually need and want. Many people limit their thinking to the home itself, and so ...
Three Basic Ways to Make Money
By Steve Gillman · 13 years ago
There are a thousand or more ways to make money, but they can be roughly classified into three categories. These are fast ways to make money, basic ways to pay the bills and long-term wealth-creation ...
A Fun Way to Make Money
By Steve Gillman · 13 years ago
What if there was a way to make money with any of your hobbies? Fortunately, there is. Thanks to the internet it's more feasible than ever to turn a hobby into an income stream. The ...
The Personal Meaning of Money
By Steve Gillman · 13 years ago
What is the meaning of money? To start with, money is just a useful tool. It makes the storing of and transportation of and the trading of created value easier and more efficient. After all, ...
What is Mental Slavery?
By Steve Gillman · 13 years ago
If you are trapped by a reaction despite the clear fact that there is a better way to act, you are a victim of mental slavery. We all are. Every one of us sometimes find ...
Living a Creative Life
By Steve Gillman · 13 years ago
What does it mean to live a creative life? It means looking for new and better ways to live from day to day and year to year, rather than going along on automatic or doing ...
A Residual Income Opportunity in Real Estate
By Steve Gillman · 13 years ago
The basic idea of a residual income opportunity is to find a business or investment where you can put in the time and effort up front, but continue to receive income for years afterwards. A ...
Cheap and Easy Camping Games
By Steve Gillman · 13 years ago
Not many people consider chess to be one of the better camping games. But I happen to like the combination of outdoor activity and mental activity. Of course, bringing a big board and pieces is ...
Meditation - Having More Fun
By Steve Gillman · 13 years ago
There are a lot very good reasons for developing a meditation practice. You are likely to be healthy both physically and mentally. You’ll have less stress. You might gain some insight into the workings of ...
Mental Training Techniques
By Steve Gillman · 14 years ago
The idea of mental training is essentially the same as that of physical training. You engage in certain activities to build the skills and "muscles" of your mind. The following examples are based on the ...
Signs of Lying and Getting The Truth
By Steve Gillman · 14 years ago
Some of the more obvious signs of lying include different answers when you repeat a question, and hesitation in answering. You also can watch for eye movements that differ from the usual. Be careful with ...
Walking Meditation - A New Kind
By Steve Gillman · 14 years ago
Traditional walking meditation involves paying close attention to your breathing and every movement of your body as you walk back and forth or in a circle. It can be a refreshing change from sitting still ...
Save Money Using This Negotiating Technique
By Steve Gillman · 14 years ago
There is a simple negotiating technique you can use to save money on many purchases. In the world of high-power negotiators, it is referred to as time investment. The simplest description is this: Spend enough ...
Hidden Treasures - Where They Might Be
By Steve Gillman · 14 years ago
When you understand why there are hidden treasures waiting for treasure hunters to find, you also start to realize where they might be. To begin with, people hide things. They always have and probably always ...
Tips For Buying Your First Home
By Steve Gillman · 14 years ago
The usual tips for buying a first home are given by those in the industry, so they tend to be somewhat self-serving. To begin with, any loan broker or real estate agent wants to believe ...
Make Money Online - Four Basic Approaches
By Steve Gillman · 14 years ago
There are hundreds of ways to make money online, but they each generally fall into one of the four basic approaches outlined below. In our own business, my wife and I have had the best ...
Four Tent Camping Tips
By Steve Gillman · 14 years ago
The following tent camping tips are meant primarily for those who are backpacking, although some will apply to a stay in a campground as well. Also, the tips here will be most useful for those ...
Take a Deep Breath
By Steve Gillman · 14 years ago
Take a deep breath through your nose and let the tension drain out of your body. This is how you start a simple meditation. The benefits are many. Those who meditate have less anxiety, greater ...