Author's articles

The Nature of Soldiers
By Jeff Stats · 17 years ago
The theme of war is probably one of the most popular themes in the world literature, especially in the 20th century when the real value of human life decreased dramatically in the result of the ...
Male Versus Female Perspective on Marriage
By Jeff Stats · 17 years ago
Historically, male and female views on different aspects of social life varied dramatically. This difference was naturally reflected in literature that serves as the main tool of self-expression and opportunity to express the position of ...
William Carlos William's Spring and All
By Jeff Stats · 17 years ago
The poem begins in a very straight forward set of words that cause the reader numerous impressions of the landscape being described. It starts with the words "contagious hospital" and it is obvious from the ...
Why is it so Hard to Talk For Men and Women?
By Jeff Stats · 17 years ago
The essay addresses all men and women having problems in conversing with each other. The purpose of the paper is to show that most problems occur in the families when couples come to understand that ...
World War II
By Jeff Stats · 17 years ago
"I give snatches; I describe episodes; I make—as it were—snapshots in time; I reflect personal recollections, thoughts, experiences, and views of specific individuals.." those are the words of Marius Broekmeyer the author of Stalin, the ...
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
By Jeff Stats · 17 years ago
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is the sixth book in the series of books by J.K. Rowling. The story setting is in the famous Hogwarts school where Harry meets up with his old friends ...
Robert Frost
By Jeff Stats · 17 years ago
Robert Frost was born in San Francisco in 1874 however after his father’s death when young Frost was eleven the family moved to the opposite side of the country- to Massachusetts. This moving was symbolic ...
Eisenhower Doctrine
By Jeff Stats · 17 years ago
In the history of international diplomacy the appearance of the Eisenhower Doctrine was an important and life changing document. Before January of 1957 there was no such notion in the entire world; it was introduced ...
Economic Report on China
By Jeff Stats · 17 years ago
Half a century ago nobody could even imagine the pace of growing that China is experiencing right now. Back then it was simply a country with a devastated by war economy that was just starting ...
Learning Theory and Conditions of Learning
By Jeff Stats · 17 years ago
J.B. Watson, the father of Behaviorism, defined learning as a sequence of stimulus and response actions in perceptible cause and effect relationships, thus the focus of Behaviorism is on the training of observable human behavior. ...
Comparing Civilizations
By Jeff Stats · 17 years ago
Mesopotamian, Ancient Egyptian, Hellenistic Greek, and Roman were great civilizations that enormously influenced the following development of the world. Each civilization contributed a large amount of it’s achievements to the overall progress of the world. ...
Merrill Lynch
By Jeff Stats · 17 years ago
1. Given the changes that have occurred in the international capital markets during the past decade, does Merrill Lynch’s strategy of expanding internationally make sense? Why? In a couple past decades the world has become ...
Indian Removal initiated under Jackson
By Jeff Stats · 17 years ago
When Andrew Jackson became a president in 1829, 125,000 Native Americans still lived east of the Mississippi River. 60,000 of Cherokees, Creeks, Choctaw, and Chickasaw Indians held millions of acres in Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi. ...
The fire within the Atharva Veda
By Jeff Stats · 17 years ago
In a modern world of developing technology and space exploration people are getting used to the notion of "the newer-the better". In reality, this concept may not prove to be true especially if such an ...
Poverty in Africa
By Jeff Stats · 17 years ago
Poverty is a scary word for a lot of people. It resembles a disease which gets into every organ and kills it from inside. There is an easy cure to this illness-money, but in most ...
Sentencing and Reduction in Crime
By Jeff Stats · 17 years ago
Crime rate has always been an issue that people liked to argue about. Major concerns are always about the actions that can lower the crime rate. In some countries it is just the problem of ...
Character Review: Othello
By Jeff Stats · 17 years ago
Tragedy is a unique and very powerful tool in classic literature. As a common standard in tragedy, the protagonist, or "tragic hero" is of high standing who is faced with some opposing force whether internal ...
Power Figures: Niccolo Machiavelli
By Jeff Stats · 17 years ago
Niccolo Machiavelli completed his famous dissertation on power, The Prince in 1517. It has been almost five centuries ago but till today we are witnessing how this work is being used as a guide for ...
Juvenile Court System
By Jeff Stats · 17 years ago
The Houses of Refuge were the first institutions that dealt with juveniles in terms of transforming them and putting them back on the right path in life. These houses were the prototypes of the modern ...
Mandatory Minimum Sentences
By Jeff Stats · 17 years ago
Rising public concern about drug use in the late 1980's was called a drug "panic" or "scare". This phenomenon has not been born over night but rather has been building up throughout the 1980s, and ...