Author's articles

Cool Facts About Polydactyl Cats
By Tammy Thomas · 7 years ago
Cats are pretty cool but there’s none cooler than a cat with extra toes. Most cats have 18 toes but some cats have a few extra making them polydactyl. Polydactyl is of Greek origin, "poly" ...
Trainable Cats
By Tammy Thomas · 7 years ago
There are a lot of people that don’t believe cats can be trained but there are loads of videos that prove otherwise. A YouTube search will show you cats jumping through flaming hoops, sitting on ...
Common Cat Ailments
By Tammy Thomas · 7 years ago
Cats seem to groom themselves all the time. But even the cleanest feline can succumb to some of these common health issues. Fleas Fleas are a very common health issue for cats as well as ...
Mysterious Cat Behaviors
By Tammy Thomas · 7 years ago
Cats are wonderful companions, but sometimes their behavior leaves us a little confused. The way they communicate and interact socially is different than dogs and is often misunderstood. Yet these quirky behaviors make us love ...
The Best Shampoos And Tips on How To Bath Your Cat
By Tammy Thomas · 7 years ago
Cat owners dread the thought of having to bath their friendly felines. Most cats hate water and can become rather scary when doused with it. While there are a few cats that seem to love ...
Great Grooming Tools for Long Haired Cats
By Tammy Thomas · 7 years ago
You watch your cat groom itself all day it seems, especially if it has long hair. All cats need some grooming to keep their coats in good shape. Long-haired cats may need some help to ...
The Best Cat Litters
By Tammy Thomas · 7 years ago
Don’t you just love a soft little kitten, when they curl up in your lap and purr while you stroke their fur? Or when they walk between your legs seeking attention. Most of us do. ...
The Devon Rex
By Tammy Thomas · 7 years ago
Little is known about the ancestry of this breed. Kirlee, a kitten born in Devon, England, in 1959 was the first recognized cat of the breed. First thought to be a Cornish Rex, Kirlee, was ...
Teacup Kittens
By Tammy Thomas · 7 years ago
The teacup kitten isn’t a true breed but more of a description of a group of cats with a smaller than average body size. Teacup kittens are available in a range of different breeds. The ...
Norwegian Forest Cats Traits
By Tammy Thomas · 7 years ago
The Norwegian Forest Cat has a history going back hundreds and maybe even thousands of years. This native cat of Norway, thrives in cooler temperatures and their lineage can be traced back to the Vikings. ...
Friendliest Cats
By Tammy Thomas · 7 years ago
Cats, like people, have lots of different personalities. There is no way to predict how friendly or affectionate any kitten will be but breeders have seen traits in select breeds that are typically friendlier than ...
Small Cat Breeds
By Tammy Thomas · 7 years ago
Everyone knows that kittens are small but they don’t usually stay that way. Many people don’t realize that there are some breeds that stay small. So here are a few breeds that do. Singapura The ...
Hairless Cat Breeds
By Tammy Thomas · 7 years ago
Cats are often referred to as long-haired or short-haired but some are actually considered hairless. These breeds can range from completely bald to having a fine downy coat. Anyone looking to bring home one of ...
Black Cat Facts and Folklore
By Tammy Thomas · 7 years ago
There are many superstitions and tales surrounding black cats. Some people see them as bad luck while others feel their an omen of good luck. While most people focus on the folklore, there are also ...
Understanding Your Cats Communication
By Tammy Thomas · 7 years ago
Cats have always been considered rather mysterious creatures. While cats have a universal way to communicate with each other, they have different ways of communicating with us. Every cat has a different personality but loving ...
Quick Facts About Siamese Cats
By Tammy Thomas · 7 years ago
Siamese cats are very regal, smart and playful felines. They can communicate with their companions and love spending time with them. They can be easily recognized by their distinct body type and fun personalities. Siamese ...
Choosing the Best Food for Your Cat
By Tammy Thomas · 7 years ago
Everyone deciding to bring home a cat or kitten needs to decide what cat food is best. What most people don’t realize is that cats have specific needs to be met just like humans. Let’s ...