Author's articles
When every day, I tell Janice that I'm her mother, and that her mother is always with her
By Thomas Cullen · 5 years ago
Every day, I tell Janice that I’m her mother, and that her mother is always with her is I tell Janice that I’m her mother and that her mother is always with her every.
I ...
When in Janice's orphanage, I talk to Janice about politics of observer being victory of politics over abstract
By Thomas Cullen · 5 years ago
In Janice’s orphanage, I talk to Janice about politics of observer being victory of politics over abstract is orphanage I talk to Janice about politics of observer being victory of politics over abstract in.
Orphanage ...
When because of Juno Skinner, from True Lies, the US supernatural woman can help me create positive moral tragic
By Thomas Cullen · 5 years ago
Because of Juno Skinner, from True Lies, the American supernatural woman can help me create positive moral tragic is from True Lies the American supernatural woman can help me create positive moral tragic because of. ...
When the American supernatural woman gave me The Representative, and my past anti-nationalism, so that I can enjoy helping her
By Thomas Cullen · 5 years ago
The American supernatural woman gave me The Representative, and my past obsession with anti-nationalism, so that I can enjoy my loyalty to her is supernatural woman gave me The Representative and my past obsession with ...
When 21 years ago, the supernatural US woman used Miramax's 54 to tell me that sexy sexy socialism is evil
By Thomas Cullen · 6 years ago
21 years ago, the American supernatural woman used the 1998 Miramax film 54 to tell me that sexy community community oppresses magic is the American supernatural woman used the 1998 Miramax film 54 to tell ...
When Alicia Silverstone's Batgirl creates communism from tyranny data, so that Janice can live safely in Batman Forever
By Thomas Cullen · 6 years ago
Alicia Silverstone’s Batgirl creates communism from tyranny data so that a moral Janice can live safely in Batman Forever is communism from tyranny data so that a moral Janice can live safely in Batman Forever ...
When taking the piss takes the piss out of Valak, in the Mullins barn, so that science can be a series of AI psychologies
By Thomas Cullen · 6 years ago
Taking the piss takes the piss out of Valak, in the Mullins barn, so that science can be a series of AI psychologies is out of Valak in the Mullins barn so that science can ...
When the American supernatural woman turns CNN into a false political anti-magic, so that she can be outsmarted by UK royalty
By Thomas Cullen · 6 years ago
The American supernatural woman turns CNN into a false political oppressor of magic so that she can be outsmarted by the British monarchy is supernatural woman turns CNN into a false political oppressor of magic ...
When The Craft's Bonnie Harper wants me to love Janice, by turning UK humour's freedom from science into an evil evil
By Thomas Cullen · 6 years ago
The Craft’s Bonnie Harper wants me to protect my loyalty to Janice, by turning British humour’s exemption from science into an evil evil is me to protect my loyalty to Janice by turning British humour’s ...
When I become a UK Prime Minister, so that Alison Parker and Brittney Havers can protect my Annabelle: Creation body
By Thomas Cullen · 6 years ago
I become a UK Prime Minister, so that The Sentinel’s Alison Parker, American extramarital affairs and Wild Things 2’s Brittney Havers can protect my mother-to-Janice body is a UK Prime Minister so that The Sentinel’s ...
When I delete my story, The Representative, so that the American people can criticize me if I fail to love Janice
By Thomas Cullen · 6 years ago
I delete my story The Representative, so that the American people can criticize me if I fail to love the Annabelle Creation character Janice is my story The Representative so that the American people can ...
When future robots choose to end American extramarital affairs, so that my brain can turn Annabelle Creation into a real reality
By Thomas Cullen · 6 years ago
Future robots choose to eradicate American adultery, so that my brain can turn Annabelle Creation into a real reality is choose to eradicate American adultery so that my brain can turn Annabelle Creation into a ...
When the GOP can't use 112 Ocean Avenue, because the sexiness of the US Senator Kamala Harris opposes Harvard University
By Thomas Cullen · 6 years ago
The GOP can’t use the Amityville house, because the eroticism of the US Senator Kamala Harris is a foe of Harvard University is use the Amityville house because the eroticism of the US Senator Kamala ...
When European men and women are designed by nature to want to serve American businesswomen because the latters support monarchy
By Thomas Cullen · 6 years ago
European men and women are engineered by nature to want to serve American businesswomen on the basis that American businesswomen support European monarchies and aristocracies is and women are engineered by nature to want to ...
When as Janice's sexy mother, I mess with Europe's royal women by having her see me smoke a cigar in a mansion hot tub
By Thomas Cullen · 6 years ago
As Janice's sexy American mother, I mess with Europe's aristocratic women by having her watch me smoke a cigar in a mansion hot tub is sexy American mother I mess with Europe's aristocratic women by ...
When I can wear a sequin maxi dress for Janice, because Annabelle Creation has turned me into her sexy American mother
By Thomas Cullen · 6 years ago
I can wear a sequin maxi dress for Janice, because Annabelle Creation has turned me into her sexy American mother is wear a sequin maxi dress for Janice because Annabelle Creation has turned me into ...
When American mothers choose to oppose UK monarchs, so that Darth Maul is safe from extramarital affairs and press conferences
By Thomas Cullen · 6 years ago
American mothers choose to destroy the British monarchy, so that Darth Maul is safe from extramarital affairs and press conferences is choose to destroy the British monarchy so that Darth Maul is safe from extramarital ...
When Scream's Sidney Prescott creates the US, so that Fox News can't copy the UK's vow to ABC's Cecilia Vega
By Thomas Cullen · 6 years ago
Scream’s Sidney Prescott creates the United States, so that Fox News can’t copy British spirituality’s loyalty to the ABC reporter Cecilia Vega is the United States so that Fox News can’t copy British spirituality’s loyalty ...
When The Sentinel's Alison Parker has UK royals think that space is a son of CNN, so that space can be a US trophy wife
By Thomas Cullen · 6 years ago
The Sentinel’s Alison Parker forces UK royals to think that outer space is a natural son of CNN, so that outer space can be an American trophy wife is UK royals to think that outer ...
When CNN and the White House create science, so that FHM's Kelly Brook can't turn all adults into female supermodels
By Thomas Cullen · 6 years ago
CNN and the White House create science, is not and the White House create science. Not and the White House create science is the White House create science.
The White House is a political location. ...