Author's articles

Word Frequency Analysis As A Means To Improve Writing Quality
By John Tello · 18 years ago
In the old times of Windows 1.0 back in the 1980’s there was a tool called Word Frequency that came with the MS Word distribution package. As someone who uses English as a second language ...
Steal This Ebook
By John Tello · 18 years ago
The hippie bible "Steal this book" was an anti-capitalism manifesto, widely remembered because of its creative and aggressive title plus its subvertive message. Paper books like that one were not easy to steal, because of ...
Measuring The Difficulty And Merit Of SE Positioning Results
By John Tello · 18 years ago
The SEO (search engine optimizing) business has emerged as a major player in the Internet business marketplace. Webmasters and website owners always arrive to a stage where they wonder why their business fail in making ...
Intellectual Property Will Soon Be History
By John Tello · 18 years ago
It is not too risky to affirm that intellectual property will soon be History. Rules designed for the paper era are not useful, enforceable and cost-economic in the Web era. Here are a few reasons: ...