Author's articles

How To Divorce Proof Your Marriage (from a divorce attorney)
By Belinda Rachman, Esq · 16 years ago
Let's start with an underlying assumption, good relationships are not easy. When NBC did a story called Project Everlasting, they interviewed 200 couples who had been married at least 40 years and every single one ...
The Last Thing You Need Is A Divorce Lawyer!
By Belinda Rachman, Esq · 16 years ago
Why You Should Consider A Cooperative Divorce The divorce process is so complicated most people just don't want to deal with it on their own. Traditionally the process of getting a divorce has involved hiring ...
Divorce Does Not Have To Destroy You Emotionally and Financially
By Belinda Rachman, Esq · 17 years ago
If you have been divorced or have heard about a nasty one, then I am preaching to the choir when I outline the emotional and financial devastation that can be wrought on emotionally vulnerable couples ...
5 Things Divorcing Parents Should Know
By Belinda Rachman, Esq · 17 years ago
When you had your child or children your life changed from being focused on yourself to suddenly having to consider how all your life choices would impact the kids. That is the way it should ...
Fight That Ticket Or Suffer The Consequences
By Belinda Rachman, Esq · 17 years ago
Every day you see some unlucky person pulled over on a street or freeway being given a speeding ticket or some other kind of moving violation. When it happens to a truck driver there are ...
Can You Have A "Good" Divorce?
By Belinda Rachman, Esq. · 17 years ago
Despite our best efforts 50% of marriages end in divorce. If a marriage has to end, if you have done all you can to save your marriage, at least end it with as much dignity ...
Don’t Be Like Anna Nicole Smith and Teri Schivo!!!
By Belinda Rachman, Esq. · 17 years ago
If you are like 70% of the population, you don't have a current will even though 100% of us are going to need one. High profile cases such as Smith and Shivo are good reminders ...
Peaceful Divorce An Idea Whose Time Has Come
By Belinda Rachman, Esq. · 17 years ago
Ask most people what it is like to go through a divorce and chances are you will hear a litany of horror stories about high legal costs, unfair results in court and lawyers who don't ...
Identity Theft, How Business Owners Can Protect Themselves
By Belinda Rachman, Esq. · 17 years ago
With Identity theft losses mounting, state and Federal legislation has been passed that has stringent penalties and jail time for business owners who are not in compliance. Because 87% of business owners are not even ...
Why Divorce Mediation?
By Belinda Rachman, Esq. · 17 years ago
You are thinking of divorce and worrying about how your children will fare. It is your job to protect them and you can choose to have a peaceful divorce. A mind works best, like a ...