Author's articles

Advantages of the Trust Administration Process
By John Fraker · 17 years ago
Trust Administration enjoys many advantages over the cumbersome, bureaucratic Probate process. This article will address only the advantages of Trust Administration as a process, not the benefits of a Living Trust. These additional benefits of ...
The Family Limited Partnership
By John Fraker · 17 years ago
Warning! The following Estate Planning technique is extremely technical and should not be attempted without competent legal representation. The following discussion is for informational purposes only. The Family Limited Partnership (FLP) is a sophisticated family ...
The Wonderful World of Probate (and Why to Avoid it)
By John Fraker · 17 years ago
When a decedent dies with a valid will, but without a Living Trust, their estate is subject to Probate. Probate translated literally means "to prove the will." The probate process, in it's origin, was designed ...
Doing Well by Doing Good: Philanthropy at the Heart of Estate Planning
By John Fraker · 17 years ago
"Most people think that Americans are generous because we are rich. The truth is that we are rich, in significant part, because we are generous. We tend to see giving as something that is just ...