Author's articles

Vegetarians: Ideas for Adding some Variety to your Vegetarian Lifestyle
By Nicholas Tan · 16 years ago
When you’re planning a healthy vegetarian diet, you’re only limited by your imagination. It’s important to incorporate a wide variety of whole grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits in different meals, including seeds and nuts. Variety ...
Weight Loss: Drugs that Induce Weight Loss
By Nicholas Tan · 16 years ago
Recent studies have shown that more people are getting overweight every year. This happens not only to adults but even to kids who have just started in school. A lot of factors cause this to ...
Weight Loss: What is in a Weight Loss Diet Pill?
By Nicholas Tan · 16 years ago
With all the strenuous activities and sweat-generating regimens that most weight loss programs have, more and more people are enticed to opt for a better alternative, without the trouble of exerting too much effort. With ...
Weight Loss: Overnight Weight Loss
By Nicholas Tan · 16 years ago
The rise in the number of fast foods joints that have a lot of saturated fat in the meals, the use of a lot of refined sugar in sodas and other processed foods and eating ...
Weight Loss: Natural Weight Loss: When you do not have to Go Over
By Nicholas Tan · 16 years ago
Eat right, keep moving. You just have read all that you need to know about how to prevent being overweight. That simple set of instructions should be easy to follow, but not for 35% of ...
Weight Loss: Dangers of Using Laxatives For Weight Loss
By Nicholas Tan · 16 years ago
One popular weight loss supplements available in the market today take the form of tea. Stores all over sell slimming tea, dieter's tea and others but all of them are actually the same. They may ...
Vegetarian: Got milk? Reasons Not to Grab for the Glass
By Nicholas Tan · 16 years ago
Many Americans, including some vegetarians, still consume large amounts of dairy products, but here are several strong reasons to eliminate dairy products from your diet. Milk has long been praised as a ‘weapon’ in the ...
Vegetarian Recipes: Going Vegetarian during your Pregnancy
By Nicholas Tan · 16 years ago
Now that you’re pregnant, you’re wondering if your decision to become vegetarian can still be carried out successfully during your pregnancy. And while it is possible for you to obtain all the nutrients your body ...
Jobs: Health Care Job Search Tips - Health is Wealth Indeed!
By Nicholas Tan · 16 years ago
Nowadays, jobs falling under the health care category are one of the most in demand jobs. This is because more and more countries fall short with regards to their employees and staff in the health ...
Fishing: Deep Sea Fishing Tips
By Nicholas Tan · 16 years ago
Deep sea fishing is a wonderful and extremely enjoyable activity. Here are some tips that will make your salt water fishing adventure even better. 1. Watch the signs If you see birds e.g. Seagulls that ...
Fishing: Fresh Caught Fish Cooking Preparation
By Nicholas Tan · 16 years ago
To maintain the delicate flavor of a newly caught freshwater or saltwater fish, this must be handled properly to avoid spoilage. Not to mention preserving the fish with pleasing odor. There are ways to properly ...
Debt Consolidation: The Top Debt Consolidation Companies
By Nicholas Tan · 16 years ago
There are a number of large debt consolidation firms operating in the United States. Some specifically cater to people in certain locales while others operate on a nationwide basis-and even have subsidiaries that work overseas. ...
Digital Camera: Things You Need to Know Before You Buy Digital Camera
By Nicholas Tan · 16 years ago
Digital cameras come in many sizes, colors, brands, zooms, resolutions, playbacks, etc. There are so many features and qualities that are being placed in the devices that buyers especially first timers become overwhelmed and dizzy ...
Life: At Bat In the Second Inning!
By Nicholas Tan · 16 years ago
At Bat In the Second Inning! A growing number of us can now expect to live close to or past 100 years, so 50 has become midlife. Today instead of approaching midlife with the obligations ...
Insurance: Auto Insurance Centre
By Nicholas Tan · 16 years ago
Are you looking for a great way to compare auto insurance companies and the rates available to you? Then you need to check out the Auto Insurance Center at There are wonderful articles to ...
Pets: Giving Your Cat A Pill
By Nicholas Tan · 16 years ago
Giving a cat a pill can be a nightmare. No cat wants something shoved down his throat, and he will fight you tooth and nail to prevent it. Although most cats are small in size, ...
Pets: Common Health Problems Of Cats
By Nicholas Tan · 16 years ago
If you are new to owning a cat, you may be surprised to find that health problems are a common thing. No matter what breed of cat you own, health problems are to be expected. ...
Pets: Cats Bonding With Their Owners
By Nicholas Tan · 16 years ago
There are a lot of experts out there who say that cats are strictly independent animals. These very same experts state that cats have chosen to associate with humans due to their strategy of survival. ...
Pets: Cats And Ring Worm
By Nicholas Tan · 16 years ago
Ringworm is a very common form of skin disease that is found in both dogs and cats. Although its name makes you think otherwise, this skin disease isn’t caused by any type of worm. It’s ...
Pets: Cats And Feline Diabetes
By Nicholas Tan · 16 years ago
Cats are one of the most popular pets in North America. They are loving pets, capable of providing you years of companionship. Like other pets, cats can sometimes get sick. There are several different types ...