Author's articles

Filter or Distill Me?
By Larry Wardell · 15 years ago
What is the best way to treat contaminated water: filtering or distilling? The debate rages on. It's not news that all around the world we have a serious water contamination issue that puts thousands of ...
New iPhone 3G s Touted as God in a Gadget
By Jeff Gasner · 15 years ago
The iPhone 3G s is the latest from Apple, but is it a stupid smart phone? It's the newest in smart phones, and it's bound to sell better than its predecessor, the iPhone 3G. This ...
The Car Accident Insurance Run Around
By Sally Odell · 15 years ago
The most annoying thing ever is getting the total run around from your car insurance company after you have had the misfortune of having an accident. If you're really tired of the stalling, procrastination and ...
Prescription Drug Injuries or Death
By Tim Anderson · 15 years ago
It was a poor choice at best and a deadly choice at its worst. The switch the medical community made from prescribing Oxycontin to using methadone only added fuel to the fire of drug addiction. ...
Synthetic Chemicals in Water
By Larry Wardell · 15 years ago
It's been a long time since we could really count on the purity and safety of the water we are drinking out of our taps. The plain and simple truth of the matter is that ...
Varied Forms of Elder Abuse
By Jeremiah Denslow · 15 years ago
Elder abuse is a topic that sets many people right off because just about everyone has an older parent or loved one that may be in a nursing home or long-term care facility. Elder abuse ...
Active Warrants Search
By Daniel Wannamaker · 15 years ago
In an interesting twist to the police being one step ahead of offenders with outstanding arrest warrants, people are now able to search online for their own active arrest warrants," indicated Daniel H. Wannamaker of ...
Doctors Already Responding to Obama's Call to Make Offices Paperless
By David York · 15 years ago
Physicians seek to take advantage of $17.2 billion in stimulus money while switching to digital record-keeping. Peter Naismith called his physician in his Akron office thirty-seven times during a five-day span to retrieve his medical ...
President Obama's Georgetown Speech Offers Hope
By David York · 15 years ago
One of Obama's "five pillars" is health care reform. A pillar of health care reform could be said to be EMR software in every physician's office – a surefire cost-saving measure. On Tuesday, April 14 ...
Drug Use & Abuse On The Rise
By Daniel Wannamaker · 15 years ago
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that drug use and abuse is on the rise in the U.S. Drug-related crimes are on the increase and the U.S. Congress responded by enacting laws to ...
Med Mal Continues
By Robert Webb · 15 years ago
While it would be nice to think that medical malpractice (med mal) was a thing of the past, the truth is it seems to be escalating. Doctors are human beings and from a certain point ...
There's WHAT in the Water?
By Larry Wardell · 15 years ago
Looks good, smells good, tastes OK – then it must be OK? Right? If you're talking about American tap water, just because it looks OK, smells OK and the taste isn't bad, doesn't mean it ...
Illinois DWI Info
By Patrick Warwick · 15 years ago
While you may not know this, Illinois DWI law applies to several kinds of impaired driving, including drunk driving and driving under the influence of drugs (legal or illegal.) Odd as this may seem, a ...
Sexual Harassment Is Illegal, but Alive and Well
By Michael G. Smith · 15 years ago
You'd think in this day and age after the number of highly publicized sexual harassment lawsuits, people would "get it" that sexual harassment is illegal. It is not tolerated today as it once was in ...
Prescription Drugs Are Expensive
By Randy Gillespie · 15 years ago
If you stop to think about it, the real problem with the health care system, aside from the enormous debt it is facing, is the cost of drugs. As most people know, drugs are very ...
Florida Is Tough on DUI
By Tony Francis · 15 years ago
In the state of Florida you can get tagged for driving while under the influence for two reasons. In one of these reasons, it doesn't matter how much drugs or alcohol you have in your ...
Rape Definitions Vary from State to State
By Jeremiah Denslow · 15 years ago
On the surface, the definition of rape seems to be fairly straightforward to most people. However, this is not the case when it comes to the law and how this is charged as a crime ...
The Scope of Sex Crimes
By Jeremiah Denslow · 15 years ago
Sex crimes strike fear into the hearts of anyone associated with them, those charged and the victims. In the last decade, there has been a distinct shift in how many of these types of crimes ...
Understand the key elements of Estate Planning.
By Bernard Krooks · 15 years ago
Estate planning is a process that involves many elements including people, documents, assets, trusts, accounts and possibly charitable organizations. While organizing all the elements of your estate and your wishes may seem daunting, it is ...
Foreign Relatives and US Citizenship
By Sally Odell · 15 years ago
Permanent residents and US citizens may help qualifying foreign relatives to petition for citizenship and permanent residence in the US. If you have already been accepted as a natural born U.S. citizen, or naturalized, or ...