Author's articles

Western Red Cedar
By Marlene Affeld · 15 years ago
The Tree of Life - Western Red Cedar (Thuya plicata) is a major species which flourishes in northwestern Montana and because of its exceptional durability has become known as arbour-vitae 'The Tree of Life'. Of ...
Chinook Winds - A False Spring
By Marlene Affeld · 15 years ago
Chinook ~ A Warm Sweet Wind Is Blowing People who have spent some time in Montana tell eerie tales of the warm winter winds. Have you ever experienced a chinook? If so, you surely remember ...
Gray Wolves Returned To Endangered Species List
By Marlene Affeld · 15 years ago
Wolves are once again protected in the northern Rocky Mountains of the United States. On Tuesday, October 14th, 2008, a court victory for environmentalists returned gray wolves to the endangered species list. "The northern Rocky ...
Pack It In - Pack It Out
By Marlene Affeld · 15 years ago
"When you defile the pleasant streams and the wild bird's abiding place, you massacre a million dreams and cast your spittle in God's face." ~ John Drinkwater By: Marlene Affeld I am continually amazed by ...
Montana Bears Prepare For A Long Winter's Sleep
By Marlene Affeld · 15 years ago
There is fresh snow on the high mountain ridges, a bone chilling wind from the west rattles the tamarack, scattering golden needles across the forest floor. Tendrils of silver fog accent the hush that lies ...
Don't Stress - Decompress
By Marlene Affeld · 15 years ago
We live in a chaos filled world with commit-ments, family and professional pressures, personal challenges and seemingly overwhelming obstacles. Most days we manage. We think, if I can just get through next Thursday, next month ...