Author's articles

History and Important Facts of Mississippi River  
By David Urmann · 15 years ago
The Mississippi river is the second largest river in the United States of America, next to the Missouri River. This body of water is also considered a watershed. It occupies part of two Canadian provinces. ...
Medical Transcriptionists: Get to Know Them
By David Urmann · 15 years ago
The link between medical professionals and the rest of the world interested in healthcare information – patients to health insurance systems – is the professional called a medical transcriptionist. With highly trained listening skills and ...
Health Benefits of Maple Tree and Syrup
By David Urmann · 15 years ago
Maple syrups come from the saps of maple trees. There are certain processes involved in extracting the syrup from the sap, the most common being that used with a sap sprout. The sap has more ...
Maple Tree and Maple Syrup
By David Urmann · 15 years ago
The maple syrup started with the North American Indians, thousands of years ago. Tomahawks and North American Indians have made new incisions to remove the sap of the trees from the Maple. Birch barks were ...