Author's articles

Nurse Does Not Recognize Signs of Placental Abruption And Parents File Lawsuit
By Joseph Hernandez · 13 years ago
It is typical for pregnant women to put themselves and their unborn child in the hands of a doctor who will get them through childbirth. It can often take a fair amount of time after ...
Doctor Gets Sued For Malpractice After Giving Up On Care of Unborn Baby In Fetal Distress
By Joseph Hernandez · 13 years ago
Fetal distress is a term that refers to a pregnancy complication in which an unborn baby is in a compromised situation. A frequent type of fetal distress happens when the unborn baby’s supply of oxygen ...
A Frequent Medical Mistake - Believing A Female Patient's Lump Is Simply A Cyst Instead Of Cancer
By Joseph Hernandez · 13 years ago
Receiving news that one has cancer is something no one wants to hear It is no surprise that a female patient can think it is very reassuring if her physician notifies her that she just ...
How Missing Complaints Consistent With Colon Cancer Can Result in A Malpractice Lawsuit
By Joseph Hernandez · 13 years ago
Patient: "Doctor, I am spotting blood in my stool." Physician: "Don’t worry about it, you in all likelihood merely have hemorrhoids." Tragically, some time later this person discovers that the bleeding was in fact due ...
Doctor - Ignoring Elevated PSA May Lead To Malpractice Case
By Joseph Hernandez · 13 years ago
With prostate cancer there are two tests that are used to screen for the cancer before any symptoms show up. The concept is to detect the cancer early - before it has a chance to ...
How A Medical Malpractice Claim May Result From Misdiagnosing A Mass In A Woman's Breast
By Joseph Hernandez · 13 years ago
Cancer is a word that brings up a sense of anxiety in most people. It is no surprise that a female patient may think it is very reassuring when her physician notifies her that she ...
The Way Various Factors Can Raise The Settlement Of An Auto Accident Claim
By Joseph Hernandez · 13 years ago
There will be around 3 million people harmed this year in a vehicle accident. Two million of those people will sustain permanent injuries. That is approximately 1 permanent injury from a motor vehicle accident every ...
Undiagnosed Fetal Distress Leads to Baby’s Severe Brain Damage And $4,400,000 Malpractice Claim
By Joseph Hernandez · 13 years ago
Doctors and nurses go through years of schooling and practice to develop the required knowledge and skill base to help patients. People appreciate that new physicians and nurses must train on patients to gain the ...
Doctor Settles With Man After Not Doing Requested Prostate Cancer Screening
By Joseph Hernandez · 13 years ago
Prostate cancer affects African-American men earlier and often more aggressively from other men. Men of African-American descent are at greater risk of getting prostate cancer at a younger age. Because of this, doctors typically agree ...
Car Accidents Concerning Teenage Drivers That Ended In Serious Injuries And Fatalities
By Joseph Hernandez · 13 years ago
It is generally acknowledged that teenage drivers are at high risk of being involved in a motor vehicle accident. Practically every day there are reports of even more accidents concerning teenage drivers. Many accidents have ...
Doctor Might Be Sued For Malpractice For Not Following Colon Cancer Screening Guidelines
By Joseph Hernandez · 13 years ago
The second greatest number of cancer deaths is from colon cancer.. Every year, around forty eight thousand individuals will die because of colon cancer. A large number of these deaths could be prevented with early ...
How A Doctor Who Holds Up The Detection Of Your Breast Cancer Might Be Liable For Medical Malpractice
By Joseph Hernandez · 13 years ago
Situations involving the delayed detection of breast cancer typically involve 1 or 2 medical mistakes - (1) not performing any diagnostic testing to rule out cancer when a lump is felt in the breast and ...
Parents and Doctors Agree To Settle Malpractice Case For Erb’s Palsy Injury To Infant
By Joseph Hernandez · 14 years ago
Among the more prevalent types of birth injuries is an Erb’s palsy injury that impacts the child’s shoulder and arm. This may be a major injury that in the most extreme instances leave the child ...
Physician To Pay $2.5 Million To Family Of Woman Who Died Of Colon Cancer Due to Diagnosis Delay
By Joseph Hernandez · 14 years ago
Statistically less than 1% people diagnosed with colon cancer are younger than thirty-five. But, because of the fact that colon cancer can be fatal doctors generally concur that rectal bleeding, even in someone below 35, ...
Doctor Liability For Medical Malpractice From Delayed Diagnosis Of Colon Cancer
By Joseph Hernandez · 14 years ago
Being told one has colon cancer tends to raise dread in most of us. It can therefore feel quite reassuring for your doctor say that you simply have hemorrhoids. That there is no need to ...
$2,500,000 Settlement In Malpractice Case Claiming Physicians Failed To Diagnose Man's Prostate Cancer
By Joseph Hernandez · 14 years ago
Whenever multiple doctors become involved in the treatment of a patient it might be critical for them to communicate urgent diagnostic results as well as follow-up and treatment suggestions to the patient and to the ...
Why Malpractice Liability Results When Doctor's Mistake Responsible For Child's Erb's Palsy Injury
By Joseph Hernandez · 14 years ago
Babies sometimes suffer from a birth injury referred to as Erb's palsy. Such an injury can leave the child's arm limp. An Erb's palsy injury may happen in the course of childbirth if excessive pressure ...
How A Physician Who Holds Up The Detection Of Your Breast Cancer Might Be Liable For Medical Malpractice
By Joseph Hernandez · 14 years ago
There are 2 mistakes that physicians are most likely to make that may hold up the detection of a female patient's breast cancer - (1) not performing any diagnostic testing to rule out cancer when ...
Colon Cancer Kills Woman After Doctor Missed It During Three Colonoscopies
By Joseph Hernandez · 14 years ago
Men and women with a family background of colon cancer as well as people with symptoms are at higher risk of getting colon cancer. The main procedure used by doctors to check for colon cancer ...
Person Finds out He Has Metastatic Colon Cancer Even Though His Physician Knew Of Symptoms For Years
By Joseph Hernandez · 14 years ago
In a number of situations colon cancers bleed. Under some circumstances, the blood may be visible in the stool. When the cancer is in the vicinity of the rectum, the blood could even surface as ...