Author's articles

What is Bankruptcy?
By Jennifer Warriner · 14 years ago
Bankruptcy is an effective ways to deal with debts you are unable to pay. Once you declare that you are bankrupt, all assets in your possession will be used to pay your outstanding debts. You ...
Personal Injury Accidents
By Jennifer Warriner · 14 years ago
After you’ve been injured in car accident, slip and fall, dog bite, on the job injury or other personal injury, you may have injuries to your neck and back. You may have broken bones or ...
Avoiding Foreclosure and Keeping Your Home
By Jennifer Warriner · 14 years ago
Losing your home can be one of the worst financial events in a person’s life, but it happens every day. Here are some tips that can help you avoid foreclosure and keep your home. Early ...
Strategic Default and Fannie Mae
By Jennifer Warriner · 14 years ago
Fannie Mae announced in June 2010, that a new set of policies is designed to deal with strategic defaulters (those who have the means to pay their mortgage but choose not to pay because they ...
Is a Strategic Default In Your Best Interest?
By Jennifer Warriner · 14 years ago
The recession has caused considerable hardships for countless citizens in the US. With job losses, the real estate crisis, reduced spending and over-extended credit its all contributed to the downfall of many households and businesses. ...
Financial Obligations after Bankruptcy
By Jennifer Warriner · 14 years ago
Bankruptcy is a financial option for those individuals whose debt has gotten out of hand. It’s not that hard to experience debt problems. Individuals have had to declare bankruptcy in order to dig themselves out ...
Thinking About Walking Away From Your Home?
By Jennifer Warriner · 14 years ago
Millions have underwater mortgages as a result of the real estate collapse. If your home value is 75% or less of your mortgage balance, you may have asked yourself if hanging on to the house ...
Refinance or Loan Modification
By Jennifer Warriner · 14 years ago
Foreclosure is definitely one of the hardest things anyone has to face. Imagine losing your home, a place your children grew up in, and the place you thought you’d have for years to come. The ...
Approaching Bankruptcy The Right Way
By Jennifer Warriner · 14 years ago
Bankruptcy can be a big burden for anyone. Whether voluntary or involuntary, here are some points to consider before filing bankruptcy: * Know your options Get all the details about bankruptcy to reduce the stress ...
Debt Collector Harassment – Know Your Rights
By Jennifer Warriner · 14 years ago
In today’s economy an increasing number of people have fallen behind on their bills, which means that these same people are often on the receiving end of collection calls. Unfortunately, there are many debt collection ...