Author's articles

How to Turn Your Passion Into a Career
By Matthew Warzel, Cprw · 3 years ago
If you don't love your work, you aren't alone. According to Forbes, more than half of Americans are unhappy in their jobs. You don't have to stay in this position for the rest of your ...
Your Guide to Getting Started in the Gig Economy Through Short-Term or Freelance Work
By Matthew Warzel, Cprw · 3 years ago
Everywhere you look these days, it seems like there’s someone either starting a new business or a side gig. We all know someone who does freelance work. You might even know someone who has successfully ...
Post-COVID Job Hunt And Hiring Practices
By Matthew Warzel, Cprw · 3 years ago
The UK gоvеrnmеnt hаѕ implemented ѕоmе еxtrаоrdinаrу mеаѕurеѕ in an exceptionally ѕhоrt реriоd оf timе tо соuntеr thе spread оf thе соrоnаviruѕ. Nееdlеѕѕ tо ѕау, it has саught mаnу соmраniеѕ bу ѕurрriѕе and disrupted workflows, ...
First Steps to a Successful Career Change
By Matthew Warzel, Cprw · 4 years ago
If you are a career changer, it can be a daunting experience to understand just where exactly you should start this...well, career change. It's my firm belief that ideally, a solid first step is for ...
Take This Crap Off Your Resume If You Want An Interview!
By Matthew Warzel, Cprw · 4 years ago
Resumes are your calling card for entry into new roles, companies or industries. Outside the old adage of "who you know" that still stands the test of time, you'll need this 8.5 x 11 piece ...
Guest Collaboration: How to thrive at a side gig (and eventually make it your only gig)
By Matthew Warzel, Cprw · 4 years ago
A major shift has already begun in the world of freelancing. Call 'em side gigs. Call 'em gig economists. Call 'em contractors. Whatever you call them, they're here and they ain't goin' nowhere. A little ...
Standing Out During COVID-19 Job Hunting
By Matthew Warzel, Cprw · 4 years ago
With COVID-19 came a series of unfortunate events. Layoffs, mergers, downsizes, and everything in between. Let's be honest, it's tough out there right now. Some employers are even taking advantage of this time and conducting ...
Updating Your LinkedIn Profile For The COVID-19 Pandemic
By Matthew Warzel, Cprw · 4 years ago
We are certainly living in extraordinary times. Most of us find ourselves staying safe at home, learning new ways to help our colleagues, clients, and families. I certainly hope each of you are staying physically ...
Poor Salary Negotiation's Long-Term Ill Side Effects
By Matthew Warzel, Cprw · 4 years ago
Accepting an offer can be quite the adrenaline rush, but it’s important for the candidate to remember that knee-jerk reactions can get you into trouble down the road. What you do today can impact you ...
Should Students Consider Traveling & Does Travel On Your Resume Even Do Anything Effective?
By Matthew Warzel, Cprw · 4 years ago
First and foremost, make sure to think long and hard before considering a leap into this unknown territory. Make sure you are truly fine with leaving your current role with the assurance of a paycheck ...
They Say, “What Are You Looking for in Your Next Job?” And You Say…What?
By Matthew Warzel, Cprw · 4 years ago
Anytime a candidate is interviewing, the pressure’s on. That type of pressure cooker can make anyone bust, and it isn’t fair, but it’s necessary. Hiring managers spend way too much time and energy sourcing, pre-screening, ...
How The F$#% Do I Decline a Job Interview?
By Matthew Warzel, Cprw · 4 years ago
A good rule of thumb for any job hunter deciding to decline an interview from a potential employer is to ensure that they do not wish to remain a viable candidate any longer for that ...