Author's articles

Wanted: One Billionaire Who Will Actively Support A Government of the People, by the People, and for the People!
By Rick Osbourne · 3 years ago
I’m part of a small group of people who wants to form a new political party here in the United States. It will be called the Economic Democracy Party and it will be based on ...
Bridging the Deep Political Divide of 2021…Economically
By Rick Osbourne · 3 years ago
What if, in the midst of this unprecedented 21st century health/economic crisis, we could systematically reconfigure America’s free market economy in such a way that would… 1. Balance the budget, minimize the need for and ...
How to Become the Smartest Kid in Your High School Class!
By Rick Osbourne · 3 years ago
I’m a 74-year-old former teacher who now works part-time as a drivers’ education instructor for a private sector driving school located in the western suburbs of Chicago. Generally speaking, this driving school attracts 15 and ...
An Open Letter to President Elect Biden and Vice President Elect Harris: On Democratizing the American Economy
By Rick Osbourne · 3 years ago
Dear Joe and Kamala, Please consider the following FACTS. On average, the American economy grows at the rate of $4,000,000,000,000 (yes that’s 4 trillion dollars) annually. That translates into about $12,000 for every man, woman, ...
Property Ownership: The Cure for Voter Apathy and a Key to Responsible Citizenship
By Rick Osbourne · 3 years ago
When you own a home, odds are you’ll take care of it in a way that you would not if you were just renting it. After all, when you have “skin in the game” you’ll ...
A Systematic Antidote to Concentrated Wealth/Power and a Myriad of Related Problems
By Rick Osbourne · 3 years ago
Concentrated wealth/power in the hands of a few at the expense of the many, is a MALIGNANT CANCER that undermines and destroys any possibility of a genuine political democracy in America or any other nation. ...
Collateralizing and Resolving America’s 2020 Economic Crisis!
By Rick Osbourne · 3 years ago
Capital (as opposed to consumer) credit is the kind of credit that serious investors are issued in order to purchase wealth-producing capital assets such as stocks, bonds, commercial real estate, machinery, copyrights, and patents, etc. ...
An Economic Solution to America’s Abortion Dilemma!
By Rick Osbourne · 3 years ago
The most persistently divisive issue in all of American politics is abortion. You’re either pro-life or pro-choice. But you can’t be both…unless you understand that in large part, abortion (like so many other issues) is ...
Economically Empowering Every Single American While Creating No Debt!
By Rick Osbourne · 3 years ago
Consider the following FACTS. On average, the American economy grows at the rate of $4,000,000,000,000 (yes that’s 4 trillion dollars) annually. That translates into about $12,000 for every man, woman, and child in America. But ...
A Free Market Strategy That Systematically Underwrites Instead of Undermines American Democracy!
By Rick Osbourne · 4 years ago
A legitimate political democracy and an economy that’s dominated by concentrated wealth and power are inevitably at odds with one another. Concentrated wealth/power is a cancer that owns and controls the government at the expense ...
Future Earnings: The Key to Understanding The Capital Homesteading Act
By Rick Osbourne · 4 years ago
Passing the Capital Homesteading Act would require the Federal Reserve, through local banks, to loan $12,000 annually to every single American citizen (every man, woman, and child) at ZERO PERCENT INTEREST annually. These funds could ...
A Systematic Solution to Structural Racism in America!
By Rick Osbourne · 4 years ago
According to Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, the solution to institutional racism is primarily about economic empowerment. “It’s really about economic empowerment because if people are lifted out of poverty, and they are given an opportunity ...
The Only Economic Strategy That Systematically Lowers Your Taxes While Paying Off the National Debt
By Rick Osbourne · 4 years ago
Many American voters cast their ballots on the basis of taxes alone. Whoever promises the lowest tax rate automatically wins their vote. And this fiscally conservative voter generally votes for the Republican candidate and opposes ...
Capital Homesteading for Kids Interested in Going to College
By Rick Osbourne · 4 years ago
If the Capital Homesteading Act had been implemented when you were born, you (regardless of your race, religion, gender, or economic status) would have had $120,00 invested on your behalf and paying dividends when you ...
A Systematic Antidote to "Greed" in American Culture!
By Rick Osbourne · 4 years ago
Greed, the psychological (self-centered, narcissistic, and alienating) need to accumulate more and more material wealth at the expense of others, is itself a product of, and is DRIVEN BY INSECURITY and FEAR. Shylock in Shakespeare’s ...
Politicians Totally Ignore the Only Free Market Solution to America's Economic Crisis!
By Rick Osbourne · 4 years ago
Consider the following FACTS. On average, the American economy grows at the rate of $4,000,000,000,000 (yes that’s 4 trillion dollars) annually. That translates into about $12,000 for every man, woman, and child in America. But ...
What If Everyone Participated on the Ownership Side of the US Economy?
By Rick Osbourne · 4 years ago
Politicians always talk about jobs. But the real issue is NOT JOBS. It’s INCOME! For example, Donald Trump, George W. Bush, and Mitt Romney (i.e. the one percent generally speaking) have never had a real ...
Let's End Wage Slavery in the USA
By Rick Osbourne · 4 years ago
A wage slave is any person (regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or political party) who is confronted with the choice of accepting a job or starving. It’s anyone who lacks the resources ...