Author's articles

What to do if the sharemarket crashes
By Robert Stewart · 2 years ago
INTRODUCTION The sharemarket has enjoyed a great run since the Global Financial Crisis. Will it continue or will a major fall in the markets put an end to it all? No one knows therefore, it ...
Get rid of the "If only" mindset
By Robert Stewart · 2 years ago
INTRODUCTION A lot of people wait for some circumstance change in their life before they will be happy as if their happiness is dependent on their circumstances. Happiness does not depend on your situation but ...
Finding a niche to promote
By Robert Stewart · 2 years ago
Finding a niche to get involved in is as easy as going along to your local supermarket and looking at the magazine stand. Here you will see what people are interested in and paying money ...
Values-based investing
By Robert Stewart · 2 years ago
INTRODUCTION Investing in companies which line up with your values is becoming more popular as investors become aware of where their money is invested. Commonly known as "Socially Responsible Investing," investing according to your values ...
Weight loss Advice
By Robert Stewart · 3 years ago
Introduction The weight loss industry is worth an enormous amount of money with women being the target of advertisers. It is important for those intending to go on a diet to question their motives and ...
The Averaging strategy in the share market
By Robert Stewart · 3 years ago
INTRODUCTION Investors must realise that investing in the markets has its ups and downs (literally) that it is important to keep it all into the right perspective if investments do not go your way. There ...
Self esteem and Weight loss
By Robert Stewart · 3 years ago
The weight-loss industry is a huge one worth billions of dollars annually but there is more to your well-being than what you eat. Your own self-esteem can be more of a factor than you may ...