Author's articles

Leadership Learning in a Lockdown: Listening Deeper
By Susan S. Freeman · 2 years ago
In five offices scattered throughout the U.S. Department of State, employees are experiencing conversations of conflict when an active shooter outside the building throws them all into a “lockdown in place.” A Chief of Staff ...
What Our Organizations Need Right Now
By Susan S. Freeman · 3 years ago
Our organizations are crying out for change. In response to the extraordinary events of the last year and a half, we have rare opportunities right now to meet this moment. One of these is by ...
Leaders Who Invite Awe Level Up
By Susan S. Freeman · 3 years ago
I admit to having had a recent “wake-up” call about awe. I learned that it doesn’t take much to have an experience of “awe,” and the benefits are long-lasting. Admittedly, up until recently, I underestimated ...
Trigger-Training 101
By Susan S. Freeman · 3 years ago
Triggers. We all have them. None of us are entirely immune. I say “entirely” because we are not helpless. We can reduce the impact that triggers have on us as leaders. Triggers are events that ...
Global Leadership Learning from Hawaii
By Susan S. Freeman · 3 years ago
Leadership is a way of life. It is an expression of our full nature and unique gifts. And it starts on the inside. The problem is that most of us are unaware of what is ...
Global Leadership Learning: Are You Intentional as a Leader?
By Susan S. Freeman · 3 years ago
Prior to the pandemic, I loved traveling to remote places on the globe. One of the most interesting places was Bhutan, a fascinating, tiny country in Asia, just south of Tibet and north of India. ...
How to Become an Artful Leader
By Susan S. Freeman · 3 years ago
I enjoy challenging myself with visual art, appreciating the new perspectives it offers on our human condition. I especially enjoy the opportunity to experience a completely new art form. Many of you may have seen ...
Become a “Now” Kind of Leader
By Susan S. Freeman · 3 years ago
How does one live and lead in the now, while creating the future we desire? It’s really very simple; when we learn to be present in the now, to every sensation in this moment, we ...
Monkey-Mind Management 101
By Susan S. Freeman · 3 years ago
Does your mind race all day long like a scampering monkey? Welcome to Monkey Mind! Are you aware that your brain is spontaneously generating approximately 2000 thoughts per hour or 24,000 thoughts per day? Just ...
Leadership Learning from Across the Globe
By Susan S. Freeman · 3 years ago
This week we feature leadership wisdom from an extraordinary young Rwandan woman, Nadine Niyitegeka. She is a staff member and graduate of The Akilah Institute for Women in Rwanda. Nadine is one of those remarkable ...
Why Your “Why” Matters in Leadership
By Susan S. Freeman · 3 years ago
Whether you are a leader with teams to support you or a leader looking for a career change, knowing your purpose or “big why” is a power tool you want to have. It is a ...