Author's articles

Bruxism: What It Is & How to Tell If You Have It
By Dr. Albert Kim · 2 years ago
Do you clench your jaw when you’re stressed? Do you often wake up with a dull headache? If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, then you may have a condition called Bruxism. It’s ...
5 Must-Have Vitamins Supplements for a Healthy Smile
By Dr. Zach Kingsberg · 2 years ago
When you think of oral health best practices, what comes to mind? For many it’s brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and getting a checkup and cleaning every six months. While these are all certainly ...
Do You Struggle with Dental Anxiety? Read This!
By Dr. Art Mowery · 2 years ago
Do the words “root canal” make you cringe? Are the sights and sounds of a dental office make your heart race? If you answered “yes,” then you likely struggle with dental anxiety. Don’t worry – ...
What Sports Should Be Played with a Mouthguard?
By Dr. Randy Machen · 2 years ago
As a dentist, all too often I see patients come in with broken or knocked-out teeth because of a sports-related accidents. Damaged teeth are one of the most common sports injuries, and unfortunately, they’re also ...
Struggling with Stage Fright? Here Are 6 Must-Know Tips
By Dr. Megan Snyder · 2 years ago
Whether you’re a stand-up comic, a musician, a salesperson, or a student, getting up in front of an audience can feel nerve-wracking – even if you have friends and loved ones cheering you on in ...
Can Stress Hurt Your Teeth and Jaw?
By Dr. Paul Coombs · 2 years ago
While some of the effects that stress can have on your physical and mental healthy are obvious, others are more subtle. As a prime example, many people aren’t aware that stress can contribute to temporomandibular ...
The Importance of Dental Care for Seniors
By Dr. Wayne Barker · 2 years ago
While it’s possible to keep the teeth and gums healthy for your entire life, many people find that their oral health declines with age. About 68% of adults over the age of 65 have some ...
What Foods are Good for Your Smile?
By Dr. Nilu Bhadani · 2 years ago
Growing up, you were probably constantly told that too much sugar is bad for your teeth, and it’s true; it can encourage bacteria in your mouth to secrete harmful acids that can eventually cause cavities ...
How Smiling More Can Benefit Your Well-Being
By Dr. Lou Graham · 2 years ago
What’s your facial expression right now? Are your brows furrowed as you read this article? Maybe you’re already smiling because you learned from the title that your grin can benefit your well-being. You might be ...
Need a Mood Boost? Here’s How Smiling Can Help!
By Thomas Novak, Dds · 2 years ago
Have you been feeling in a funk recently? Whether it’s because you’re stressed at work, dealing with pandemic fatigue, or just not feeling your best for an unknown reason, the last thing you want to ...
What Kind of Conditions Can Your Dentist Find by Looking at Your Mouth?
By David Crumpton, Dds · 2 years ago
Tooth decay and gum disease aren’t the only things that a dentist might find during a routine checkup. Many systemic health problems have symptoms that manifest orally; as such, the mouth often exhibits warning signs ...
Stars & Smiles: Hollywood’s Secrets to a Camera-Ready Grin
By Miguel Casañas Jr., Dds · 2 years ago
From their mega-mansions and show-stopping outfits to their lavish vacations, celebrities leave intriguing lives that constantly leave the public in awe. With paparazzi around every corner and fans constantly asking to take pictures, it’s not ...
White Spots on Teeth: How to Improve Your Smile
By Plush Dentistry · 2 years ago
When you see stains on teeth, the solution to the issue is usually simple. They need to be whitened. Professional treatment can remove deep-set stains, but what do you do about white spots on teeth? ...
Weight Loss and Your Smile: How Eating Healthier Can Help Your Waistline and Your Mouth
By Williamsburg Dental · 2 years ago
Around this time of year, many people make goals for self-improvement. Roughly half of those who make new year’s resolu6tions say they want to lose weight. Does this apply to you? Although exercise and movement ...
How Exercise Can Benefit Your Mouth
By Dr. Matthew Nawrocki · 2 years ago
You need to strengthen your heart. You want to improve your sleep. You are trying to control your weight. There are plenty of reasons to be more active and exercise. Here’s one to add to ...
How to Prevent Cavities When You Have a Sweet Tooth
By Dr. Andrew Dine · 2 years ago
Are you a self-proclaimed chocolate lover? Do you crave something sweet each afternoon? Does your evening seem incomplete without a scoop or two of ice cream? Then you, my friend, have a sweet tooth. While ...
How Celiac Disease Affects Dental Health
By Ema Dental · 2 years ago
According to The National Institutes of Health, more than 3 million Americans have Celiac Disease. This prevalent auto-immune disorder is triggered by gluten, which is a protein often found in wheat, barley, and rye. As ...
Could You Be At Risk for Oral Cancer?
By Dr. Malcolm Murray · 2 years ago
Did you know that more than 54,000 cases of oral cancer are diagnosed each year? While this statistic from the American Cancer Society is staggering, it’s important to know that deaths have decreased over the ...
Are Your Medications Causing Tooth Decay?
By Dr. Sanaz Hamzehpour · 2 years ago
Did you know that tooth decay is the most prevalent chronic disease among children and adults alike? While many chalk this up to poor dental hygiene and lack of routine dental visits, one of the ...