Author's articles

The Darker Side of Psychology
By Arthur Gevarnick · 1 year ago
The Darker Side of Psychology When you think about psychology what first comes to mind may be that 101 class you took in college to satisfy a requirement, or perhaps an article you have recently ...
At Least I'm not Republican
By Arthur Gevarnick · 2 years ago
At Least I’m not Republican Republicans seem satisfied today, almost smug with our antiquated system of representation assuring them the ability to push agendas and block legislation almost with impunity despite having a voting minority. ...
Quotes of Dad
By Arthur Gevarnick · 2 years ago
Chapter 10 Quotes of Dad Dad was born in 1933, in Pittsburgh, the surviving twin of a single parent, his twin having died at birth, making him a survivor right from the start. His mother ...
Guns, Our Descent into Barbarism
By Arthur Gevarnick · 2 years ago
Guns… Our Descent into Barbarism On May 24, 2022 nineteen children and two teachers were executed in Uvalde, Texas by a disaffected teenager civilian armed with an assault rifle and over 1600 rounds of ammunition. ...
Vitamin K-2
By Arthur Gevarnick · 2 years ago
K-2 Do you know how your microwave works ? I don’t. So I asked a couple of engineers and they both gave me roughly the same answer that sounded like this: “ Microwaves work in ...
Brands, What They Mean
By Arthur Gevarnick · 2 years ago
Brands A recent restrictiveness in travel along with Covid- related supply shortages have increased my awareness about the place that brands hold in our world. These ubiquitous products, such a part of our daily lives ...