Author's articles

The 2023 Survey of Public Perceptions of the Disabled - Supplement
By Robin Akins · 8 months ago
"No one cares about disabled people because people aren't educated enough about us." Sounds harsh. However, it's just one of many answers from our 2023 disability survey that gives insight into the present state of ...
Type of Seizure Disorders
By Robin Akins · 8 months ago
Have you ever witnessed the unpredictable storm of a seizure? The sudden, involuntary waves that disrupt the brain's normal activity, turning a person's world upside down in mere moments. This is the stark reality of ...
Anxiety in Disabled People
By Robin Akins · 8 months ago
Disabled people are more likely to have anxiety disorders. Disability discrimination and social isolation play major roles in this. After all, disabled people face practical, social, and emotional barriers. This means that anxiety can affect ...
Can PTSD Cause Executive Dysfunction?
By Robin Akins · 9 months ago
Can PTSD Cause Executive Dysfunction? Did you know that about 6% of the US population suffers from PTSD? This amounts to about 15 million adults! If you or a loved one are experiencing symptoms after ...
What is the Problem with Ableism?
By Robin Akins · 9 months ago
Have you ever heard of ableism? It's a word denoting a behavior that many don't know, but it's everywhere in our society. Ableism is when people are judged or limited by their disabilities. It's not ...
Executive Dysfunction Has Nothing to do with Being an Executive
By Robin Akins · 9 months ago
The term "executive dysfunction" might sound like it's about problems faced by business executives. But actually, it's not about that at all. Executive dysfunction is a condition that makes it hard for people to handle ...
The Complete Guide to Disabling Anxiety: What Makes Anxiety Disabling?
By Robin Akins · 9 months ago
Disabling anxiety is more than usual stress; it's a deep, constant worry that turns daily life into a struggle. It's not the kind of nervousness that passes; this anxiety lingers, making even simple tasks feel ...
Disability Discrimination
By Robin Akins · 9 months ago
Have you ever wondered what it's like to be disabled? The disability itself isn't easy. But another problem you face is disability discrimination. Disability discrimination means prejudiced actions against disabled people. Discrimination is part of ...
Disability and Depression
By Robin Akins · 9 months ago
Too many disabled people experience some level of depression. Depression can hurt their health, their happiness, and their quality of life. The first step to treating disability depression should be finding out why it exists. ...
Social Isolation in Disabled People
By Robin Akins · 9 months ago
What does social isolation mean? Many of us have felt lonely before. Most of us get through it. We find our way back to other people, and then the "dark time" becomes a foggy, faraway ...
What Autistic People Want You to Know About Autism
By Robin Akins · 9 months ago
The world of autism awareness is more complex than you might realize. Too often, these campaigns exclude and alienate autistic people. When you talk about autism, how can you make them feel included? As I ...
Advances in Alzheimer's: Gamma Light Therapy, Bacteria, and Inflammation
By Robin Akins · 9 months ago
The last five years have seen promising research and applications in the fight against Alzheimer's. Perhaps the most interesting discovery is that of Li-Huei Tsai, Ed Boyden, and other associates (2016). Their gamma light therapy ...
How do you know whether your child or you have APD?
By Robin Akins · 9 months ago
Auditory processing disorder, otherwise known as APD, refers to a condition whereby you find it difficult to understand sounds, including spoken words.  If you are wondering whether you or your child has APD, we have ...
Mild Cognitive Impairment--A Precursor to Dementia?
By Robin Akins · 9 months ago
We all know the feeling of forgetting where we left our keys or the name of someone we just met. Usually, it's no big deal. But what if these slip-ups start happening more frequently? This ...
Ableism in the USA
By Robin Akins · 9 months ago
Estimates published by the world bank report that approximately one billion people experience some form of disability worldwide. This number amounts to 15% of the global population. In the USA, 61 million people - or ...
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Doesn't Just Affect Combat Soldiers
By Robin Akins · 9 months ago
When you hear the term PTSD, otherwise known as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, you may conjure up images of someone who is tormented by flashbacks of their time fighting in Iran or Afghanistan. While this ...
The Three Most Common Disabilities
By Robin Akins · 9 months ago
Dealing with chronic pain from physical disabilities can be incredibly frustrating. As a result, millions of people around the world have to contend with on a daily basis due to one of many physical disabilities. ...
An Overview of the Americans with Disabilities Act
By Robin Akins · 9 months ago
The ADA, also known as the Americans with Disabilities Act, became law over three decades ago; in 1990. It is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against anyone with a disability in any area ...
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
By Robin Akins · 9 months ago
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, also known as ADHD, is a condition that impacts people’s behavior. People who have ADHD can appear restless, they may act on impulse, and they can have difficulty concentrating. We have ...
The Shift from Classical Thinking to Quantum Thinking
By Robin Akins · 9 months ago
What if a single afternoon could completely change the way you see the world? That may sound like one heck of an afternoon. But that's all the time it takes for you to begin learning ...