Author's articles

The woman who looked down on her husband: African Folklore, a Story my Father Told me
By Anselm Chibuike Anyoha · 4 months ago
There lived a young woman who married a young man named Onwudiwe (death is angry). She did not particularly love him because he was short. The young woman swore she would never call the man ...
My Father, My Mother, and More
By Anselm Anyoha · 2 years ago
On occasions when I remember my parents, I wonder if they will ever meet again. Don't get me wrong: it is only wishful thinking on my part. Nevertheless, I want them to meet again in ...
98 years old and counting
By Anselm Anyoha · 2 years ago
Professor (and former Nigerian-Biafran Ambassador) Austin Okwu celebrated his 98th birthday at his home in New Haven, Connecticut, surrounded by his friends and family. The event was organized by Igbozue Connecticut USA, a social-cultural organization ...
Waiting to see the Doctor
By Anselm Anyoha · 2 years ago
I woke up one morning with a pain that ran from my left little and ring fingers and crawled up the sides of my forearm to my elbow. Thinking about it, I blamed my big ...
The Journey to Ezido Lake: A Story about Empathy
By Anyoha · 2 years ago
"The Journey to Ezido Lake: A Story about Empathy" is now available in both paperback and Amazon Kindle. This new book follows two Nigerian children with two completely different social backgrounds and beautifully shows that ...
Remember the 2019, UCH class of 1986 Reunion in Hyattsville, Maryland 20783, USA?
By Chibuike Anyoha, Md · 2 years ago
It’s hard to believe, but true. Two years have passed since the last reunion. Even though the passage of time has reshuffled the sequences of the event, its memorable highlights remain unforgettable. Like the moment ...
Two white girls, tender love is in the air
By Anselm Anyoha · 3 years ago
"I like your shoes," one of the girls said to me as I walked past after shooting some hoops at the park. "They match your cap," she added. Delightfully surprised, I lifted my head and ...
Do you really want to lose weight now?
By Anselm Anyoha · 3 years ago
It seems that everybody wants to lose weight unless they are as lean as a chalkboard. Hopefully, my weight loss story will inspire you to achieve your own weight loss goal. For readers who do ...
Be an Example, Get the Covid Shot
By Anselm Chike Anyoha Md · 3 years ago
Be an Example, Get the Covid Shot Today, I got the first dose of the Covid vaccine. I should have received it 4 weeks ago but passed the opportunity to do so. I blame the ...
Men at age 59: Going forward or looking back
By Anselm Anyoha · 3 years ago
Among the many challenges that face men at age 59, the most overwhelming might be the inner debate of whether to march forward and conquer the world or stay motionless and dwell on the events ...
Touch-and-Go Fathering Style
By Anselm Anyoha Md · 3 years ago
Touch-and-Go Fathering Style In memory of my brother: Kevin Ikechukwu Anyoha (1954-2020) “Hello!” I said when I entered the consultation room. “Hello, Doctor Anyoha,” replied Azuka. “Congratulations on your brand-new baby,” I said. “Thanks, Doc,” ...
Bill Gates does not want to spoil the party
By Anselm Anyoha · 4 years ago
Answering questions during an interview on CNN in the evening of April 30, 2020, billionaire Bill Gates said that, as much as he is praying and working hard with other stakeholders to make Covid-19 vaccines ...
What Parents can Expect as Babies Develop
By Anselm Anyoha · 4 years ago
Book Review: Touchpoints - Birth to Three by Berry Brazelton, MD From the day they are born, babies’ motor movements and their social and emotional abilities steadily unfold and develop alongside their physical appearance. These ...
Why waiting for Christmas may be bad for your child
By Anselm Anyoha · 4 years ago
With toys wrapped and placed under the tree, with new shoes hidden in room cabinets and new pants and shirts inside locked down closets, children are outraged with their parents and caregivers. If without Christmas ...
Men at 58
By Anselm Anyoha · 4 years ago
It was not that long ago that I was an eighteen-year-old boy, with a sculpted face only a craftsman could have brought to life. I sported a trunk as flat as the board on which ...
What to have for Dinner
By Anselm Anyoha · 4 years ago
My previous article "What to have for lunch," attracted many readers. Since dinner comes after lunch, I also wanted to talk about what to have dinner. Dieticians and clinicians always tell people what not to ...
Nosebleed in Children
By Anselm Anyoha · 4 years ago
Nosebleed in Children I have always known that nosebleed is a common medical issue that needed some general education, yet for years I kept procrastinating about a discussion on the subject. Parents worry so much ...