Author's articles

What is Behavior-Based Goal Setting?
By Peggy Everson · 5 years ago
When we think of goal setting, we usually think of things that envision a specific outcome. Some examples include: • Lose 20 pounds. • Increase income by 10%. • Buy a larger house/newer vehicle. • ...
Not Always The Bulleye
By Carolyn Molnar · 5 years ago
Dylan came to me with a pile of financial concerns. Would he keep his job? Would he have to sell some of his rental properties to stay afloat? Would he be able to afford the ...
Shame on You!
By Carolyn Molnar · 5 years ago
My husband loves websites that offer free astrology readings. I don’t have the heart to tell him that what they email him every morning are designed to be one-size-fits-all, because not every Leo in the ...
Welcoming Comfort
By Carolyn Molnar · 5 years ago
I was giving messages to the congregation at a Spiritualist church and described the spirit of a frail, white-haired fellow with his eyes closed in a hospital bed. The man’s energy felt like drawing breath ...
You Are Never Too Young
By Carolyn Molnar · 5 years ago
I was surprised to learn the young man who’d asked me such an interesting question was only 17 years old. His curly hair hung down to his shoulders, and he wore the kind of tie-dyed ...
Live Through It
By Carolyn Molnar · 5 years ago
Marilyn wanted to hear from her daughter, Genevieve – "Jenny" to her friends. Jenny had passed into spirit about five years ago, leaving three small children and a very distraught husband. Marilyn showed me a ...
Learning From The Master
By Carolyn Molnar · 5 years ago
As I settled into my seat in the auditorium, the lady in the next seat gestured to the words on my t-shirt: "RARE MEDIUM" – my sister, who sat beside me, wore a t-shirt saying ...
Please Find My Medium
By Carolyn Molnar · 6 years ago
Two days before he died, Jack told Sandra, "After I go, I’d like you to get in touch with me. But give it some time. Let me get settled on the other side." Several months ...
No Regret
By Carolyn Molnar · 6 years ago
When my clients’ spirit people come through, they often speak of regrets and unfinished business. When that happens, I remember reading this article written by a palliative care nurse: "The Top Five Regrets People Make ...
How to Spot a Psychic Swindle
By Carolyn Molnar · 6 years ago
I received a heartbreaking telephone call for help from a young woman who’d been seeing a psychic for several years, one she trusted. She suspected her boyfriend of infidelity. The "trusted" psychic asked the woman ...
Sometimes, I Blush
By Carolyn Molnar · 6 years ago
Sometimes, I can’t believe the words that tumble out of my mouth. It happens occasionally when I connect with a spirit that’s come for one of my clients – a few naughty phrases that slip ...
Strengthen the Light Within: Protection From Fear
By Carolyn Molnar · 6 years ago
Every time I teach a psychic development class, I devote a good section of time to question and answer periods. Though every class is different, I can always count on hearing a version of this ...
The Weight of Grief
By Carolyn Molnar · 6 years ago
When Brenda and David, a couple in their late 40’s, signed on for their Skype session, the pressure in my office seemed to change, as if they’d brought a wall of protective silence with them. ...
Dimes, Feathers, and Hugs
By Carolyn Molnar · 6 years ago
I once had a client who believed her husband, Jim, who had passed into spirit six months previously, had returned to Earth as a cat. She got this idea because several times while sitting in ...
I Might Have Known Him
By Carolyn Molnar · 6 years ago
I schedule my sessions so I can take a break to walk through the neighbourhood. What a wonderful way to clear my head. As I meander down tree-lined streets, I occasionally glance at a house, ...
Spirit Inspired Messages - Please, Speak
By Carolyn Molnar · 6 years ago
Imagine this: An old friend or a loved one you haven’t heard from in years has stopped by to visit. This person has come from far away, and spent lots of effort to travel and ...
Time in the Spirit World
By Carolyn Molnar · 6 years ago
What?? Everyone’s getting ready to celebrate Halloween, and yesterday I saw my first Christmas decorations. Outside a supermarket, three young men were stringing lights around several pine trees. Already? I thought, then a dab of ...
Let It Go
By Carolyn Molnar · 6 years ago
Carlos telephoned me because he wanted to hear from his father, Gustavo, who’d died several years ago. At the beginning of our session, he told me he’d dreamed of his father, who appeared as a ...
Meditating with the Dalai Lama
By Carolyn Molnar · 6 years ago
I’ve got spirit and the Dalai Lama to thank for guiding me back to meditation. And a rude driver that cut me off while I was driving around, trying to get the ingredients I needed ...
The Instagram Psychic Scam
By Carolyn Molnar · 7 years ago
I received a telephone call a few days ago from a distraught woman who fell prey to a psychic scammer. My blood boils whenever I hear about phoney psychics inventing new ways to cheat people. ...