Author's articles

Phosphate Mining In Central Florida Riparian Lands
By Davey Crockett · 8 years ago
Florida’s phosphate industry is known to own and strip mine lands in riparian areas of the state. Particularly in central Florida where the regions drinking water is degrading, caused by phosphate industry practices (1). The ...
Florida Phosphate Mining Buffer Zones
By Davey Crockett · 8 years ago
Phosphate strip mining is known to cause severe landscape disruptions. Mitigation and final land reclamations plans are a must to be "permitted" to strip the central Florida earth for phosphate ore. Strip mining is considered ...
Florida Phosphate Mines Show Adverse Effects On Environment
By Davey Crockett · 8 years ago
Florida phosphate industry mining practices reveal and how "they" adversely affect environmental aspects of Florida citizens’ surroundings for over two generations and working on three. Current phosphate industry mining practices "overlook" today’s proven environmentally sound ...
Florida Sinkholes Created By Phosphate Mining
By Davey Crockett · 8 years ago
Florida citizens living near west-central Florida are no strangers to sinkhole formation. Unfortunately, sinkholes forming in west-central Florida are as likely to be related to regional phosphate mining as natural occurrences. Sinkholes related to phosphate ...
Phosphate Industry Strip Mining Central Florida Watersheds
By Davey Crockett · 8 years ago
The state of Florida owns all riparian lands and navigable waterways held in "trust" for the public at large by the sovereignty granted to Florida at statehood in 1845 by the United States of America. ...
Florida Phosphate Industry Practices Severely Disturb Navigable Waterways?
By Davey Crockett · 8 years ago
Florida is known as the "Sunshine State", but interestingly receives more rainfall than most states in the Union. Florida receives enormous amounts of yearly rainfall from north to south every year. About fifty percent of ...
Phosphate Industry Siege On Alafia River And Watersheds
By Davey Crockett · 8 years ago
The Alafia River watersheds and smaller tributaries in the area are known to be used as "navigable waterways" by the state of Florida during the early-19th century by European (1) settlers. During the early-19th century ...
Florida Riparian Lands And Navigable Waterway Rights
By Davey Crockett · 8 years ago
The Peace River Valley watershed with all its tributaries, streams, bogs, marshlands, springs, and aquifers is considered by the state of Florida to be "navigable waterways" or "public domain." (2) Navigable waterways are defined by ...
Phosphate Mining The Peace River Watershed Basin
By Davey Crockett · 8 years ago
The Peace River watershed lies in west central Florida about forty miles east of the Tampa Bay area. Florida’s Peace River was declared an "endangered river" by "American," a non-profit organization committed to protecting ...
Florida Rivers, Springs, Lakes, And Aquifers Are Navigable Waterways With Riparian Rights?
By Davey Crockett · 8 years ago
The Peace River headwaters in west central Florida are naturally spring fed by local aquifers "contained" in the landscape. The River "meanders" some 120 miles to the Charlotte Harbor estuary, numerous small springs continuously feed ...
Florida’s Phosphate Industry Officials Display Little Concern For Florida Riparian Waterways
By Davey Crockett · 8 years ago
The state of Florida supports riparian waterways as public domain by law. Riparian waterways are defined as rivers, stream, lakes, marshes, bogs, aquifers, springs, or any navigable waterway above or below ground, including freshwater and ...
Who Owns Florida's Natural Freshwater Resources?
By Davey Crockett · 8 years ago
When consuming tap water at home, does one know or care where the water they consume is drawn from or originates? The water one drinks is usually pumped from a freshwater well if living in ...
Florida Phosphate Mitigation Dilemma
By Davey Crockett · 8 years ago
Central Florida wetlands, bogs, marshes, springs, streams, and karst landscape cover valuable phosphate which the phosphate industry consumes for the production of fertilizers. The dragline is used to strip the natural landscape described above from ...
Phosphate Permits, Altman Tract, Manatee County Florida
By Davey Crockett · 8 years ago
West Central Florida is home to the mega-mining phosphate industry. This area is also rich with the only ecosystem of its kind worldwide. This unique ecosystem is one reason Florida has so many visitors yearly. ...
Is The Second Amendment Outdated?
By Davey Crockett · 8 years ago
The second amendment to the constitution gives United State citizens the right to own and carry a firearm anywhere in this country. Why would the people founding and declaring a new country called the United ...
Organizing Estate Sales For Higher Profits
By Davey Crockett · 8 years ago
Estate sales usually occur due to the death of the owner of the estate, family downsizing, or foreclosures. My deepest sympathy goes to those losing a loved one. These situations can be very stressful and ...
Florida Landscape Management Is Necessarily Understood
By Davey Crockett · 8 years ago
Landscapes disturbances made in central Florida’s landscape of karst rock are understood to have dire consequences due to possible sinkhole formation. The Florida peninsula is well known for both sinkhole formations and karst rock. It ...
Do Floridians Know About Phosphate Production’s Many Hazards?
By Davey Crockett · 8 years ago
Florida’s phosphate industry creates many serious environmental impacts during the "wet" process in the production of fertilizer (1), including unmetered groundwater consumption. The phosphate industry’s groundwater consumption and uses are of primary concern to the ...
Florida, Phosphate, and Phosphogypsum
By Davey Crockett · 8 years ago
A gypstack starts with drag lines, pushing the original natural surface soils called "overburden" into large piles or mounds. Overburden is what the lay person would call springs, aquifers, pastures, lakes, rivers, streams, watersheds, unique ...
Florida Residence Take FIPR Survey on the Phosphate Industry Practices
By Davey Crockett · 8 years ago
Do Florida’s residents know about the phosphate industries abysmal practice of destroying Florida’s geographical environment for the phosphate some 40 feet beneath the surface? The Florida Institute of Phosphate Research, (4) (FIPR) funded a survey ...