Author's articles

The Creepy Guy Case
By George Babnick · 6 years ago
Sooner or later most security directors, security managers and supervisors will inevitably become aware of an employee who feels their physical safety at work is at risk. When management becomes aware of the employee’s concern, ...
Off Grid Locations Require "Old-School" Layered Security
By George Babnick · 7 years ago
One of the challenges of securing a remote location like a cabin, boat shelter, shed, barn, or other structure is the location itself. A location far away from others give crooks a sense of "freedom" ...
Is Your Company Security Policy Worse than Worthless?
By George Babnick · 7 years ago
One of my earliest cases as a private investigator involved a chain of auto repair shops where managers at some shops were suspected of pocketing cash payments from customers. The owner also suspected that some ...
Keep a Close Eye on Your Eyeglasses. Thieves are stealing them!
By George Babnick · 7 years ago
It has been said that "thieves will steal anything." After three decades in law enforcement I have to agree. If something has real or perceived value, someone will eventually try to steal it. Do thieves ...
BLAST the Burglars with Pepper-Spray!
By George Babnick · 7 years ago
Every year homeowners and businesses in the United States spend more than 30 MILLION on various types of burglar and intrusion alarms. With technology moving forward at an unceasing pace, there are all kinds of ...
Tailgate Theft: Who Would’ve Thunk?
By George Babnick · 7 years ago
Back in 1993 I bought a new Ford F250 PU truck. At the time I was working the graveyard shift as a police officer in downtown Portland Oregon and I parked my truck on the ...
Police Suspect Sketches – How Accurate and Useful are they?
By George Babnick · 7 years ago
Some trace the history of police suspect sketches to French police officer Alphonse Bertillon (1853 – 1914). In all likelihood, some police officer somewhere was creating suspect sketches long before the 1800’s. Regardless, for hundreds ...
Timber Theft: a growing problem
By George Babnick · 7 years ago
After I retired from law enforcement I became a private investigator in Portland, Oregon. I had investigated many crimes over the years and even worked as an Internal Affairs investigator and over the years developed ...
Investigative Hypnosis: Is It Effective Or Completely Bogus?
By George Babnick · 7 years ago
Way back in the 1970’s when I was a college student studying criminal justice I participated in a student practicum at the local sheriff’s office. Most of my "work" consisted of going through stacks of ...
Security ROBOTS on patrol
By George Babnick · 7 years ago
No one would ever call me a "techie." I still have challenges operating my Smartphone and sometimes out of utter frustration I feel like smashing it into a wall. But I realize that technology does-not-stand-still ...
I am a Private Investigator. What do I really do?
By George Babnick · 7 years ago
When I retired from police work after 34 years of service, I became a Private Investigator in my home state of Oregon. I had the good fortune of being able to "retire" at a relatively ...
Fences That Keep Burglars Out – an effective compromise
By George Babnick · 7 years ago
In one of my previous articles, "Invisible Dogs that Deter Burglars" I wrote about residential burglaries and how people can use an Invisible Barking Dog alarm as part of an overall layered security "system" to ...
Preventing and Solving Crime by Reading the Criminal Mind
By George Babnick · 12 years ago
New mind-reading technology allows law enforcement and even private companies to look inside your brain for criminal intent The Holy Grail of law enforcement is the ability to prevent a crime or terrorist attack before ...