
The What And Who Of Domestic Violence
By Kayla Boucher · 18 years ago
The WHAT: “Violence” What exactly constitutes domestic violence against another person? Is physical contact required? Or are threatening words enough? Although the crux of domestic violence is defined similarly across state lines, many legislatures express ...
Child Support & the Long Arm of the Law
By Howard Iken · 18 years ago
There are three things you can count on as a divorced parent: death, taxes, and child support. If you are the custodial parent of your children, support is in the form of buying clothes, food, ...
Divorce and the Sale of the Marital Home
By Howard Iken · 18 years ago
There is one asset that is common in thousands of divorces: the marital home. The marital home is frequently the largest asset a couple owns. Many times, the marital home is the one and only ...
Dental Malpractice
By Kevin Stith · 18 years ago
Malpractice committed by the dental health care providers is called dental malpractice. It is expected of Dentists and Oral Surgeons to ensure a decent standard of care while giving dental services to the patients. The ...
The Credentials of Any Good San Diego Criminal Defense Lawyer
By William Nimmo · 18 years ago
The hallmark credentials that you want to see when hiring a San Diego criminal defense lawyer on a serious felony charge are pretty much the same for a criminal defense lawyer anywhere. When you are ...
Child Pornography & The Internet
By Maury Beaulier · 18 years ago
In our internet age, more and more often, charges of child pornography are filed stemming from internet downloads form websites and newsgroups. Many of these downloads are unintentional and come in bulk transfers. This often ...
Prenuptial Agreements in Minnesota
By Maury Beaulier · 18 years ago
In Minnesota a premarital agreement may also be called an antenuptial agreement. The terms are synonymous. Minnesota prenuptial or antenuptial agreements refer to a contract between two persons planning to marry which governs the rights ...
Working in America
By Maury Beaulier · 18 years ago
What is a Visa? A "Visa" is simply a stamp in a passport that gives the passport holder authorization to enter the United States. The INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service) handles most matters involving visas. ...
Immigration & Business Formation
By Maury Beaulier · 18 years ago
Forming a United States Corporation A corporation is a legal entity or "person", separate from its officers, directors, shareholders and employees. One advantage of doing business in the corporate form is to prevent the corporation's ...
Copyright & the Internet
By Maury Beaulier · 18 years ago
Generally speaking, copyright law is extremely vague and ambiguous. Much of copyright law depends on how copyrighted materials are used, not "if" they are used. Since the internet is structured for the free flow of ...
Business Names & Trade Names
By Maury Beaulier · 18 years ago
Trademark and the Internet Internet traffic is growing faster than any other information medium in history. Recent statistics indicate that more than 35,000 people obtain internet access every four months. Through the medium of the ...
Starting a Business: Business Formation
By Maury Beaulier · 18 years ago
Overview Starting a Minnesota business also includes choosing the form of that business. This is an important part of any process of business formation. The business form you choose may have lasting financial, governance and ...
The Uncreative Business Practice of Creative Labs
By Brian Danniels · 18 years ago
In a world of currency fluctuations, import tariffs, research and development costs and many other industrial factors, it is becoming increasingly difficult to make a business successful. Many companies are looking for ways of cutting ...
My Father's Will
By Donovan Baldwin · 18 years ago
The year was 1981, the state was Florida, and I had just flown back from Germany for my father's funeral. My sister and her family were down from New York, and, a few days after ...
Divorce, Taxes, and the IRS
By Howard Iken · 18 years ago
In Divorce, potential tax liability can frequently become the tool for one spouse to use against the other spouse. If improperly used, this tool can destroy all of the marital assets. In the worst case, ...
Intellectual Property Will Soon Be History
By John Tello · 18 years ago
It is not too risky to affirm that intellectual property will soon be History. Rules designed for the paper era are not useful, enforceable and cost-economic in the Web era. Here are a few reasons: ...
Cover Your Assets!!!
By David Jacquot · 18 years ago
You’ve worked hard to develop your career. You did it for yourself. You did it for your family. You did it for your retirement. You did it for your family’s future. You didn’t do it ...
Don’t Get Sued! Protect Clients from Providing Incriminating Information in IRS Audits. - Part 1
By David Jacquot · 18 years ago
Introduction. In many cases, a taxpayer with an IRS audit may have exposure to potential criminal charges in addition to potential increased tax liability, penalties and interest. Cases that have potential criminal exposure are often ...
5 Key Strategies For Protecting Your Ideas And Stopping People Ripping You Off!
By Martin Truman · 18 years ago
We’ve all had that Eureka moment when we think we have thought of something new. Sometimes we think there may even be a viable business behind it. So how do you go about protecting that ...