Records Storage And Management


  • Author Nicola Bullimore
  • Published June 11, 2010
  • Word count 757

Records storage management is more than just keeping the office organised so there are not a load of boxes in corners of the office out of the way. Paper documents as well as other formats of information held on data needs to be kept organised so you know exactly where to look when a specific document is required.

Mid to large companies quite often opt to outsource their document storage to companies who offer a service which ensures information is kept safe, secure and organised. Organisation of documents is especially important for documents that may be required at a later date.

So what services can a records management company offer which proves to be beneficial to a company who stores alot of information?


Anyone who has the job of filing information will know how the organisation is vital. If the management and organisation of documents is not correct, this can prove to be a headache when it comes to

retrieving a document when someone requires it. This can affect the workflow in an office if it means someone has to hunt around for specific information on a client or anything work related.

Record storage companies will have a system in place which means everything is documented. This then enables any record to be found easily without the problem if hunting around when the call comes for a specific document.

Pickup and Delivery

One of the issues people may think of when outsourcing their records management is how do they get the information they require when they need it? Most storage companies will have a system in place where either someone who is authorised by the company can go to the premises and pick up information when they need to. As well as this many companies offer a delivery service, so you just need to call up the company, relay to them which document of data you need and they can have the information on your desk within a few hours.

It is always wise to ask the company you are considering beforehand whether they offer this service, and if they do, how long will it take for them to deliver a document when you ask for it.

The time scale may depend on a few things, but more often than not they offer either a same day or next day delivery.


Security of your information is definitely a must. Ideally you will want to use a company who will have 24/7 security in place. It is important for any company who entrusts their sensitive data to ensure that high security measures are in place as it is the company themselves who are responsible to abide by the data protection laws when it comes to storing information that holds peoples personal information on record.

Therefore, ensure the company you choose has full security in place for the protection of your documents.


How your documents are managed will be determined on how easily it is to track that information once it is in storage. More often than not, you will find a records management company has a tracking system in place so they know exactly where your information is stored.

Considering the company will be storing information for a number of different companies, it is important for that company themselves to ensure that they keep peoples data well organised. This is why they will employ a tracking system. That way, when information is required, they know exactly where to go to retrieve that information, or can relay that to you so that if you arrive on the premises for a specific set of documents, you know exactly where to go.


As well as storing your information, some records storage companies will also keep a report of all your information and ensure that the laws regarding destruction are kept to. The company will know how long the information is required to be stored before the time comes where the documents can be destroyed.

With the report, you can see what data the company is holding for you, where that company is stored and how long the information needs to be stored before it can be destroyed. When the time comes for the destruction of the information, the company can make you aware of this and then you can request them to destroy that information.

Before choosing any storage company for your data or documents, ensure you ask questions relating to the above to ensure you have the best service in relation to keeping your documents well managed.

Nicky Bullimore has been writing articles on various topics for a number of years. Find out more on Records Mangement Storage Los Angeles and Document Destruction Los Angeles.

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