Beginner Fly Fishing

Sports & Recreations

  • Author Brad Jorgen
  • Published July 9, 2010
  • Word count 472

Recently there has been a re-surge in interest when it comes to fly fishing and the interest is growing each day. Anyone can learn what it takes in order to try their hand at this hobby, there is no age requirement. Different to other forms of fishing, fly fishing is done without the use of actual bait. It is instead accomplished with the use of artificial flies made from such materials as feathers, string, hair, ribbons, and more in order to lure and catch the fish. These lures are then attached to the line and hook and cast out over the water, mimicking the movement of an insect all the while.

The most important tool of the fly fisherman is the fishing rod as this is how the fly line is cast and controlled. At first, a hollow fiber glass rod as opposed to a bamboo rod is recommended as they are both lighter and more flexible not to mention easy on the pocket book. Once you have some experience under your belt, you can gravitate to a stronger, thinner, lighter graphite rod which will enable you to cast further out.

Before casting it out, fishermen usually loosen the line by pulling it from the reel in order to create some slack. He then is able to cast out freely to the location which he has his fishing-eye on.

The fishing line used in fly fishing is also somewhat different than that of usual fishing. It is both larger around and completely visible to the eye. Some are even designed to sit on top of the water’s surface. Attached at the fly line’s end is something called the tippet which actually does a lot of the work. It is responsible for the fish not being able to identify the line so that they believe they are after a real insect.

Lures can now mime the exact insect that the fish may have in mind for dinner and once you understand how to cast and use your lure, you can then begin to fine tune your technique even further. Learning about individual feeding habits of the fish you are looking to catch can also help a beginning fly fisherman as there are many a variety of flies, bugs and fishing gear you will want to familiarize yourself with when picking up this hobby and each species of fish prefer different prey.

Just as it may seem, fly fishing is indeed an exciting and fascinating sport. As with many sports or hobbies, one of the best ways in order to gain proper knowledge and experience is to seek out the advice of an experienced fisherman. Not only will he or she be able to help you distinguish between rods, reels and lures, but they will also show you the best fishing holes!

For more advice on Fishing in General or if your interested in a specific type WFN offers some guides on fly fishing, fishing rods or bass fishing. I used WFN as a main source for my information and I encourage all novices to continue learning from the WFN pros and experts.

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