Records Management and Data Protection


  • Author Nicola Bullimore
  • Published July 14, 2010
  • Word count 578

Not every business is equipped for records management, so what options are available when the paperwork starts to bulge out of the office doors?

When people start up a business, they do not always consider how they are going to hand the documents or data that they are going to accumulate during the course of running their business.

It is inevitable that most businesses will eventually have a build up of paper work which can contain different kinds of information. This can be information of people’s personal details, information of products that have been bought that need to be kept for tax purposes or almost any other reason you can think of.

Not all companies will store just one type of information, so when it comes to the storage of these documents or data, it can prove to be a challenge if a company is not equipped to ensure all of this information is kept safe and secure.

If a builder goes into business, it is unlikely he will have considered what he is going to do with the paperwork that builds up. This can prove to be an unwanted headache on top of the work that comes in.

This is why there are other companies that have formulated to take on the task of records management and data protection. It is not enough to keep information stored in a corner of an office, as the information could hold peoples sensitive data, and if this information is not kept safe, then there is the risk of it falling into the wrong hands.

Self managing information for smaller companies do not usually cause much of a problem, however, for mid to larger companies, the paperwork and data can soon become too much. In this case, outsourcing your records management could prove to be the best option, especially since they are fully equipped to manage large amounts of information in a risk free environment.

By using an off-site company, you are freeing yourself up to focus on your business rather than worry about where you are going to keep your paperwork. As well as this, people who work in the office are generally the ones who are left to do the filing; however, most of the time, managing the paperwork only takes them away from their normal course of work.

As well as using up valuable time to file and manage documents, it is unlikely that they will be trained in such a way to keep all of the information organised well. Especially for those companies who store more than one type of information.

Off-site companies store information from all kinds of sectors and they have enough storage space to keep more than one type of information for each company. Some companies may also store more than one type of format of information, such as paperwork as well as computer media. These companies are fully equipped to store and manage any type of information that you need to be kept on file.

Ultimately, it is the companies responsibility to ensure all sensitive information is kept safe and stored for a certain amount of time depending on the law they fall under, in this case, it is always important when considering outsourcing records management that you visit the premises of where you information will be kept. This way, you can have the peace of mind in knowing that you information is safe and free from risk of losing that information.

Nicky Bullimore has been writing articles on various topics for a number of years. Find out more on Records Management Storage Nebraska and Secure Off-site document storage Nebraska.

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