Off-site Records Storage Companies


  • Author Nicola Bullimore
  • Published July 17, 2010
  • Word count 625

Besides storing documents and data information, what other services can off-site records management companies offer you when considering the option of outsourcing your paper and data information to an off-site company?

A few of the main reasons why businesses outsource their documents archives or even files that are still active is to safe space in the office as well as safe financially on the costs that it would be to purchase additional premises, but apart from that, what other services can you expect from an off-site company that may prove beneficial?

Collection or Delivery

Considering that not all documents are inactive, some off-site companies will offer a service where you can either appoint an authorised person to visit the premises to collect documents that are required in the office, or the business can offer a delivery service so that you can call up and request a specific document to be delivered on your desk.

Depending on which service you opt for when you initially visit the company of choice, this could mean that your documents can be delivered either within a couple of hours or the next day. This is perhaps one thing to consider before you decide which company will be more suitable to your requirements.

Although many times, companies will use an off-site storage company for files that need archiving, however, not all files that are stored are inactive, so in this case, the delivery service will be something to take into consideration.


Since the companies store information for more than one company, it is important for that company to know exactly where their client’s information is. So in this case, every box of documents are inputting into a computerised system for tracking purposes. This means that there are no issues of information being lost.

Whenever anyone needs to find your information, all they will need to do is look on their systems to locate where your information is. This is also why there is no problems on the size of information you wish to store, everything is managed and organised efficiently.

Document scanning

Some companies will also offer the ability to view your documents online. This means they will be scanned into a system, so that anytime you required information from a document, you can just log into that system, and access your information whenever you require.

You can also share this information with other colleagues who require viewing the same document. This also saves time when it comes to visiting the off-site company to obtain documents; instead, you just look at the system information to track your documents.

This could also prove to be a good alternative when it comes to saving space rather than storing lots of documents in the office. Since not all documents are inactive, you save the space of storing your archived documents, and you save time and space when it comes to accessing active files.


Security of sensitive data is a must. Therefore, since off-site records management companies are aware of this, they will have sufficient security measures in place around the clock to ensure all information that is kept on their premises is stored in a safe and secure environment.

Off-site companies store information for all kinds of companies including business records and healthcare information, without the sufficient security in place, these companies would not consider outsourcing their document storage, so in this case, it is highly likely that whichever company you choose, you can have the peace of mind knowing that your information is kept safe.

These are just a few things to consider when searching around to find which off-site company will be suitable for your records storage and what services they can offer to benefit you as a company.

Nicky Bullimore has been writing articles on various topics for a number of years. Find out more on Records Management Storage Denver and Document Scanning Services Denver

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