Time Management for Attorneys - THE Key to Improved Time Management


  • Author Bill Jawitz
  • Published July 28, 2010
  • Word count 368

Each of us has a core work style (governed by our core personality style) which, when consciously understood, can provide powerful insight into how we go about managing our time.

By way of example, here are two very different attorney profiles as depicted by a widely-used style inventory call the DISC. (These are the actual graphs of two of my clients.)

The attorney on the left tackles challenges aggressively, gets bored easily, and cares less about process than outcome. As a result, she tends to skimp on details when delegating tasks; she also changes her path quickly and often throughout the day. Both of these behavioral patterns limit her support staffs’ effectiveness and efficiency. She and her staff needlessly waste time backtracking to get things right.

The attorney on the right tends toward perfectionism and cautiousness to such a degree that he doesn’t delegate enough, and alternately either procrastinates or spends more time than he needs to on routine tasks. This in turn slows down production, billing and collection.

So think about this for a second: You have a basic style that significantly impacts how you get things done each day. Your style isn’t right or wrong. It’s not inherently good or bad.

However, becoming more conscious of your style can yield huge gains in productivity while at the same time reduce your stress and improve communication with your team. The solutions are often simple, and can range from having quick daily check-ins with your paralegal, to the use of simple checklists, to setting a timer to keep you moving forward.

As a result of understanding their natural tendencies, both of the attorneys above made targeted – and lasting – changes in their daily approach to work that have measurably improved their productivity (and that of their team’s).

Time management for lawyers doesn’t have to be a mystery. Many consulting psychologists and executive coaches can provide the DISC or a similar tool. I use a version of the DISC called TIME P.L.U.S. that’s specifically geared to revealing one’s approach to time management and productivity. Call or email if you’d like more information.

Full Article Resource: timesavvyattorneys.com/management/blog/

Bill Jawitz is dedicated to helping attorneys become happier, more profitable practitioners. Coaching for Lawyers, Coaching Attorneys, Attorney Marketing, Attorneys Training at Jawitz Legal Consulting.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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