Hemorrhoid Treatment and Prevention
- Author Anna Poelo
- Published August 4, 2010
- Word count 582
All throughout the globe, hemorrhoid treatment and prevention is being sought after by many people. It is a very common ailment, after all, and even people with perfect physical health can have it. It is more common than we can imagine. You may already have one now and just don't know of it yet.
Hemorrhoids are the swollen and painful veins in our rectum. It is caused by either the internal veins or external veins swelling because increased pressure and disturbed blood circulation in the veins. There are a lot of causes for this. It can either be constipation or a strained bowel movement. Pregnancy is also a cause as the pressure of labor can lead to the swelling of the veins. Liver disease is also said to be a cause. The main consideration in all of the causes can be placed on the pressure put on the hemorrhoid veins.
It is easy to spot the symptoms of hemorrhoids. The most common symptom would be bleeding from your rectum, specifically from your internal hemorrhoids. It would be painless at first. It is only when the hemorrhoids get worse that there would be pain. The bleeding usually occurs when you're on your bowel movement, so you will be able to detect it by looking at your stool, the toilet paper, or if any blood drips into the toilet.
In worse cases of hemorrhoids, as stated above, there will be considerable pain. Bad cases of hemorrhoids are when the internal hemorrhoids get swollen to the point that they already extend through the anus, or when you can already feel your hemorrhoids at your anus. The hemorrhoids may become trapped. This case is clled prolapsed hemorrhoids, and you should go consult a doctor when this happens.
Another bad case of hemorrhoids is when a blood clot forms in the hemorrhoid vein, resulting to more swelling and more pain. This is called thrombosed hemorrhoids, and is a worse case of external hemorrhoids. You will be feeling a lot of pain when you are on your bowel movement when you have this type. It will also be uncomfortable when you are sitting down. The pain might also escalate if you continue to sit down for a long period of time.
In these cases, it is imperative that you go see a doctor. Surgery or an operation may be needed to get rid of the blood clot ad help with your pain. Be advised that any operation pertaining to hemorrhoids should be done by your doctor. Do not ever attempt to do it yourself as you might just make it worse.
Even when your hemorrhoids hasn't come to these alarming states yet, you should be mindful enough to go see a doctor when you are feeling a lot of pain or experiencing an amount of bleeding. You should also check with your doctor if your hemorrhoids may not be hemorrhoids but is instead rectal bleeding or something more serious, like cancer or inflammatory bowel disease.
In addition to consulting with your doctor, you should also make some changes to your health and diet regime to prevent your hemorrhoids form getting worse. There is no immediate cure to the condition, and there is no proven medicine as a cure. But we can still make some habitual measures of our own, like having high-fibre meals and doing sitz baths after every bowel movement. Hemorrhoids can turn serious if we're not careful, so we should be serious about the hemorrhoid treatment.
This article was written and submitted by Anna Poelo. For relief from the pain caused by hemorrhoids, take on Progressive Health for the recommended Hemorrhoid Treatment.
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