How to cure emetophobia by changing your focus

Health & FitnessCancer / Illness

  • Author Santiago Demierre
  • Published September 1, 2010
  • Word count 834

How to cure emetophobia by changing your focus

People worldwide fall in the attention trap over and over again. What's an attention trap? It's the learnt state of attention we continually live in. Right now, as you are reading this you are aware of some things and not aware of others. I could write more about the examples than I could about the counter-examples. Were you paying attention to your heart-beat while you were reading this? Were you aware of the temperature of your body? Were you aware of your knee-joints? Were you aware of your eyes blinking continually?

Have you paid attention to how your awareness or attention was switching continually from one to another? We are really limited to the amount of information we can keep in our attention at any given point. That's surprising; we as human beings we improved continously for centuries, but in the way our mind works we have almost stayed the same.

So what does it all has to do with phobias and fears? How is this a step in how to cure emetephobia? Let me put it this way..imagine that if you turned your head a lion was waiting to devour you...imagine that there is toxic gas all around you, you cannot see it or feel it but it is slowly killing you...don't these fears seem improbable, but the idea of them happening is truly terrifying...

That's exactly how phobias work, some people learn to pay attention to remote possibilities, often for very valid reasons. These people start to react emotionally to these fears, consistently and automatically, bypassing logic and forgetting probability.

Understanding the non-sense of our fears is not enough to overcome them, especially when they are so strong that they become a phobia. So how do you overcome them?

Fight fire with fire: When you get an emotional response switch your attention to an equally impossible emotion. Suppose that you are afraid of spiders

  • Try imagining a lion in a corner instead of a spider, feel the fear as if the lion was really there. Make it as scary as you possibly can, add crocodiles, buffaloes and everything that couldn't logically be there. The more you can laugh at the silliness of the exercise the better.

  • Put an imaginary hat on your imaginary spider, make it into a circus act, make it walk a tight rope, listen to the imaginary circus music playing while the spider trips and gets all tied up in her own web, make it as funny and silly as you can.

  • Think of the person that makes you laugh the most, imagine a spider with that person's face telling you his best joke. Can you hear yourself laughing while looking at this silly spider?

  • Imagine that the spider ate a magic carrot that makes her shrink while she shouts high pitch threating words at you. She isn't that scary anymore ah?

  • Imagine yourself eating a magic carrot that makes you grow so big that a hair on your nose could crash the spider against the floor with a big BOOM noise. She isn't scary anymore ah?

Like the saying goes "It's all in your head" so use your own head to overcome something that for others may seem silly.

Switch your body focus: As I showed you at the beginning, your mind cannot keep its focus on more than a couple of things at the same time. Once you understand that there is no sudden river of vomit coming out of your mouth nor xxxxxx* there, you can put your guard down and start focusing on something more positive. Replace "" with your phobia / fear

  • Scan your body sensations. Feel your feet against the floor, relax your toes, breathe deep and feel how relaxing it is to breathe out... do it all again... listen the sounds around you, feel the temperature of the air against your skin... breathe deep again. How relaxed are you feeling?

  • Dig deep into one body sensation. Focus your mind on any specific area of your body. For example your left or right hand. Look at it, feel any tingling, look at the lines of your hand, pay attention to the small movements you were not aware before, pay attention if you can hear any tiny cracking in your hand. Relax your hand, pay attention to how you can discover new lines you've never seen before. What else can you feel in your hands? Now look at your other hand and discover how it now looks different! Your focus gave you hyper awareness of what you focused on. Focus on what you want and you'll stop focusing on what you don't want.

Having an irrational fear can be a torture if you don't deal with it in an effective way, you can overcome any phobia by using these and many other effective tools. So if you are wondering how to cure emetophobia then visit my blog to find the best cures. How to cure emetophobia instead of letting it ruin your life. Emetophobia cures exist and helped many overcome this daily battle. Discover today a cure that works.

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