Tasers, Stun Guns And Self Preservation

News & Society

  • Author Teresa Bernard
  • Published September 11, 2010
  • Word count 476

TASERS and self defense stun guns make outstanding protection devices for a number of reasons. They will temporarily disable an attacker when high-energy, low amperage electricity from one of these devices passes through clothing and skin, and enters the body. Any effects caused are not permanent. Knowing about and acquiring the right self defense tools is the first step in assuring your personal safety. Although pepper sprays are a popular choice for self defense since they cost less, stun guns and TASERS are much more effective.

A stun gun's function is to stun the aggressor with electrical energy charges and the TASER gun is in this category of arsenal. They both transmit electricity through emitters. The stun gun's emitters are built-in to the unit. A TASER'S conductors are fired from the device like a traditional gun but are connected with wires that transmits an electrical charge. The electrodes which serve as darts attach themselves to the assailant's clothing and the electricity passes through the wires to the target. The stun gun will only be effective if the attacker is in close proximity and in direct contact with the device's electrodes. On the other hand, as long as you are within 20 feet of an attacker, a TASER device will be effective for long range self defense. This is a fundamental difference between stun guns and TASERS.

The fact that a stun gun does not have long range capability like a TASER does not mean it is less effective. It just demonstrates that they work differently. The TASER gun, although good for long range defense, is only a one shot deal, once it releases the electrodes, you can't use it again without first reloading with another TASER dart cartridge. With the stun gun, you can repeatedly use the weapon for as long as there is still electric charge.

TASER guns are more expensive and bulkier while stun guns are just the opposite – they are cheaper and more compact and mobile. In terms of power output, the TASER has more wattage compared to a standard stun gun, thus it emits a stronger charge.

It is easier for the stun gun to do it's job because you only need to make physical contact with the "perp" using the device. Whereas, in order for a TASER to work properly it's electrodes must be directly attached to the assailant's clothing or the electrical charge will not discharge.

TASERS and self-defense stun guns are very powerful non-lethal weapons. Globally police departments, the military and civilians carry stun weapons as a means of protection against attackers.You will ultimately have to determine for yourself which self-defense weapon is the right one for you based on its ease of use and what you know about it, plus whether or not you will be able to effectively use the device to protect yourself against an assault.

Learn more about stun guns and TASERS as well as, other personal safety devices by visiting a1selfdefenseproducts.com.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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