Use Penal Code 853.9 to Fight your Traffic or Speeding Ticket

Reference & Education

  • Author Ronald Cupp Phd
  • Published September 25, 2010
  • Word count 949

Lets start with this. The Mother of all evils. This is the open door to all the dances we do here at

This Penal Code is listed on the bottom of your Notice To Appear, or your ticket. It also 'mirrors' Vehicle Code 40513. They each have an (a) and (b) paragraph. The court only wants to use the (b) paragraph because they figure/believe/hold you to if the ticket is signed by the Officer, then it must be a Verified Notice to Appear.

What the hell is a 'Verified Notice to Appear'? We have not been able to find a single reference to it, or what it entails, or how it is quantified or qualified, or the time frame for submitting it, and submitting it to whom and in what procedure or format.

In the code, it says "If the notice to appear is not verified, the defendant may, at the time of arraignment, request that a verified complaint be filed."

Because the ticket or notice to appear is on a form approved by the Judicial Council, they feel that if the officer signed it, it is 'verified'.

To me, my thoughts on Verification means:


The signing of a notice by the a forenamed officer under penalty of perjury that the offense occurred

does not constitute a "verified Notice to Appear" to be used as a verified complaint.

Black's Law Dictionary, (6th) edition, defines verify (verified):

"Verify. To confirm or substantiate by oath or affidavit. Particularly used of making formal oath to

accounts, petitions, pleadings, and other papers. The word "verified," when used in a statute, ordinarily

imports a verify attested by the sanctity of an oath. It is frequently used interchangeably with "sworn"."

California Code of Civil Procedure § 2009 states:

"An affidavit may be used to verify a pleading or a paper in a special proceeding, to prove the service of

a summons, notice, or other paper in an action of special proceeding . . . . . . . . . and in any other case

expressly permitted by statute."

My next challenge is, in paragraph (b) is "an exact and legible duplicate copy of the notice when filed with the magistrate. . . . . ."

I have never seen an exact legible duplicate copy when I have been in court, and my challenge is this: did anybody (police officer or court officer) file the NTA with a Magistrate??? Bingo. We know from normal procedures that there are several codes that must be followed for time line, time frame, who, what, when, where and why. PC 738, 739, 872(a), 950 & 1382 for starters. Also, remember, a Commissioner is NOT a Magistrate! And if the officer wrote anything on the ticket before he turned it in, we can have your case dismissed because he changed the document (it's actually a misdemeanor against him!)

But here, no. The Police Officer signed the NTA, so it must be a Verified Notice To Appear. We challenge it and every aspect.

Now my challenges to items in the (a) paragraph.

except that a defendant may, by an agreement in writing, subscribed by him or her and filed with the court, waive the filing of a verified complaint and elect that the prosecution may proceed upon a written notice to appear.

What does that mean? That you would, by an agreement in writing, signed by yourself, and filed with the court, waive the filing of your verified complaint. So, (1) did you agree to this in writing, (2) did you sign papers for same and (3) file them with the court, (4) BEFORE you went to court?

This is the actual code:

853.9. (a) Whenever written notice to appear has been prepared, delivered, and filed by an officer or the prosecuting attorney with the court pursuant to the provisions of Section 853.6 of this code,

an exact and legible duplicate copy of the notice when filed with the magistrate, in lieu of a verified complaint, shall constitute a complaint to which the defendant may plead "guilty" or "nolo contendere."

If, however, the defendant violates his or her promise to appear in court, or does not deposit lawful bail, or pleads other than "guilty" or "nolo contendere" to the offense charged, a complaint shall be filed which shall conform to the provisions of this code and which shall be deemed to be an original complaint; and thereafter proceedings shall be had as provided by law, except that a defendant

may, by an agreement in writing, subscribed by him or her and filed with the court, waive the filing of a verified complaint and elect that the prosecution may proceed upon a written notice to appear.

(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision (a) of this section, whenever the written notice to appear has been prepared on a form approved by the Judicial Council, an exact and legible duplicate copy of the notice when filed with the magistrate shall constitute a complaint to which the defendant may enter a plea and, if the notice to appear is verified, upon which a warrant may be issued. If the notice to appear is not verified, the defendant may, at the time of arraignment, request that a verified complaint be filed.

Again, I personally have used this on several California speeding tickets and traffic tickets, namely cell phone tickets, commuter lane tickets, red light tickets, red light camera tickets and seat belt tickets to tie them up and use their own rules of court against them. Remember It works for all California infractions, to have them treated for our purposes, to hold them to the Misdemeanor laws and rules of court!

I have included the video below, so you can hear the reading of the code itself.

To your empowerment!

This is an awesome site on how you can beat any California traffic ticket,

without having to argue the ticket in court. We use rules of California courts against itself. Time tested, successful, never defeated, guaranteed.

The website is

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